Chapter 4: The man and his ox

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It was Leah as she smiled at me as I dusted myself off and placed my hand behind my head. "Well you know what they say all work and no play and really make for a dull day" I said to her as I walked over. "True but you shouldn't make play all day or you'll lose out on the work need to be done today" She said in kind reply that made me blush. She giggled at my blushing and walked past me towards the lake "I love this place I use to come here as a kid with my parents which is why I just had to come back."

I nodded in agreement with her. "Indeed I use to come here every summer when my grandfather still ran the farm it was very fun always helping him out." I smiled thinking back but then something happened that made my head hurt.

I held it for a bit biting my lip in pain but then it began to ease up as Leah looked at me with some concern I told her I was alright I probably just over did it today on clearing the pasture. She then gave me a lecture on taking better care if myself and playful bonk on my head for good measure to make sure it stayed. I laughed and so did she we then parted ways as I began to head home to meet the shipper called Jeb.

As I sat down looking over my recent accomplishments of the day I smiled when I suddenly heard bells and a loud moo echo from the east gate that lead to town. I turned my head to see a built man walking down the road in his mid-forties at least leading an ox with a cart down the path way. He smiled and waved to me as he got closer with a big grin as I jumped down from the deck and waved back with a smile on my face. "Hello Mr. Marcus correct?" the man said to me as I nodded and offered a handshake to him.

"Indeed I am Mr. Jeb correct?" The man smiled and nodded at me also shaking my hand in return as the ox aligned the cart next to the shipping bin. "So uh do you need any help with loading the stuff...?" I was asking when he single handedly lifted the 2 bags that were very heavy to me out of the box and onto the cart. "Uh never mind then" I said as I closed my mouth from the shear astonishment of this man's strength.

He then turned around and smiled at me "No that is okay though can't say I've earned my pay if I don't do the work myself" He said to me. I smiled at him realizing that he was a hard worker like me. "So judging by you found how dose two hundred for today's haul sound?" he asked me as I pulled out a metal tin and unlocked it with a key.

I nodded "Sounds fine to me but are you sure that's not to overpriced? I'd hate to sell you stuff that wasn't up to quality." I asked as he handed me the payment. "Oh don't you worry sir I've got a good eye when it comes to quality and these are at least above average in my book." He smiled and shook my hand then grabbed the ox by the rains and waved to me goodbye as he started back towards town. "Until we meet again Mr. Marcus I have high hopes for you and your farm." he yelled back towards me.

I smiled at him as he walked off and waved back yelling "Thank you for your vote of confidence." It was now getting late and the sun was setting as I went back inside and pulled out a dusty old journal from my box of stuff. As I opened it up my last entry was the day grandpa passed away I smiled as I started to put in the events of the past few days and started to think back to home.

"I wonder if mom is doing alright. Maybe I should write her." I said to myself as I finished putting my entry into the journal and began to change into my nightwear. As I lay down in bed I looked up at the wood ceiling and raised my hand up as if trying to reach for the sky its self.

"I hope I did the right thing. At least it feels right to say the least" I said to myself as I turned out the light and fell asleep.

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