Chapter 19: Low blow.

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A few days had gone by as the crops that Marcus had planted started to grow. Yams, eggplants, corn, and wheat were in full action. Adjusting to their new life together Leah and Marcus were enjoying a cup of coffee out on the deck. Robin was sweet enough to make them a bench to sit on as a house warming gift and was perfect for early morning days watching the fields as deer and other animals enjoyed their breakfasts. Leaning into him Leah smiled and let out a relaxed sigh.

"So is that what our life is going to be like relaxing mornings, farming, and just pure bliss ?" Marcus smiled as he put his arm around her sipping his coffee. "I guess so. I can at least say this I could get very used to this." Leah let out a light little giggle before getting up. "So need a refill dear ?" Shaking his head no he handed her his cup. "Well those fields are not going to take care of them selves." He said while getting up and stretching. Smiling she walked over and raising up on her tip toe's she gave him a kiss before looking into his eyes. "Don't work to hard."

Smiling he grabbed his tools and backpack he started to head out to the west field that was in dire need of being cleared. Trees, stumps, stones, and weeds was what the challenge was but it was prime land for setting up a barn and coop for animals. Marcus also knew having a few animals on the farm would cover costs during winter when nothing could grow. First he would work on the trees and stumps for today seeing they were the vast majority of things covering this plot.

A few hours went by before Leah walked out onto the deck and called out to him. "Marcus ! Come and get some lunch !" Hearing her sweet voice call out to him he slammed his axe into the stump and started to walk back. He wondered what she had made hopefully that spice berry salad that was his favorite and he had stocked up on spice berries before the end of summer.

Coming in the table had been set a fresh fall salad lay before him seasoned with Leah's own blend of salad dressing she made from scratch. Sitting down they both smiled enjoying the rather tasty lunch. Now some people would ask if Marcus always liked salads and yes he did and Leah sometimes would put some fresh fish in with it or she would make a tasty stew or soup. Of course it wouldn't seem odd Leah knew quiet a few recipes even though she had been secretly getting lessons from Gus to make a diverse menu to help keep Marcus going.

As the days went on it was coming close to the fall festival and Marcus had growing some rather great looking pumpkins, eggplants, yams, and corn along with some of his better ones from summer.

It was a late evening and the guys were down at the beach sitting around the campfire near Elliot's house. "So guys what are your plans for winter ?" Marcus had asked. Shane smiled as he looked into the flames. "Bruh..Well I'm going to start on building a house near my aunt's place. Being with Lucy has made me really rethink my life she even got me to stop drinking." The guys smiled and nodded.

"Its good to hear she turned your life around." Elliot said while looking over at his house. "Mary is finishing up packing up her stuff and will be officially here in a couple of days." Leaning back on a leg Sam chuckled. "Well you all know Penny and me have been dating for awhile ?" All the guys nodded. "Well I'm going to ask her to marry me at the fair." All the guys raised their can's of beer yelling cheers while laughing.

"What about you Seb?" Sam asked. "Eh I don't know maybe work on my programming or bike. Maybe take Abby out on the bike. I don't know."  They then looked over at Harvey. "So doc rumor has it you purpose to Maru. Is it true ?" Marcus asked before taking a sip from his beer can. "Well..I..I can so its not true." Slamming his hand on the leg Sam chuckled. "Ah ha ! We have you now ! Besides Elliot and Marcus we can now add your name to soon to be husbands !" Harvey blinked for a moment before breaking out into laughter as he acknowledged that the rumors were true.

Finally it came down to Clint and Alex everyone there knew Alex had finally asked Haley out so there was really one question to be answered as they all looked at Clint. "What ?" he said. "Well don't keep us in the dark man ! What have you planned for Emily ?" Looking down at his beer can he seemed to be in deep thought. "Well I thought about making her an amethyst pendent and well yes I've just about finished and well oh come on guys this isn't fair." All the guys started to chanting tell us tell us and finally he gave in. "I'm gonna give it to her before the fair !" he yelled out before taking a long swig from his beer can. "Aw man everyone has these awesome plan's for their girls and I'm just stuck here just asking Haley out..I need some ideas."

All of them nodding went silent before going into deep thought. "What about a poem ?" Elliot asked. "Or how I make her something for you?" Clint asked. Everyone thought up of something before Shane weighed in. "Just be yourself and think what can you give her that means the most to you. Marcus gave his heart to Leah through just being with her. Just like all the rest of us." Alex folded his arms before reaching into his pocket and pulling out a ring. "I could give her this. It was my moms." They all agreed that would be the best gift since it meant a lot to him.

The night had gone by talking about things joking around and laughing. A few more days had gone by and it was the day of the fair Leah and Marcus were setting up their booth and putting together their display to be judged. There was people from all over looking at the booths while Marcus offered samples from the farm and Leah showed off her latest pieces of artwork.

Clint and Emily we're walking around and low and behold she was wearing the pendent he had made for her. "Well I'll be he was able to do it." Marcus said as he leaned on the hay bail. "What ?" Leah asked as she leaned back looking at them. "See the pendent ? Clint made that for her." She smiled as she watched them. "Aww I know how hard it is for Clint to even talk to her." She then got one of those evil grins on her face. "Why didn't you make me one." Leaning on the table Marcus looked back at her. "But you already have a pendent." Pointing at her mermaid pendent. " I know. You've given me more than I could ever ask for." Smiling at each other they went back to working laughing and talking with people. Soon the fair was coming to a close Marcus had won a big fluffy stuff bunny for Leah and they had won third place in the display contest. All in all it had been a good day.

Walking home they passed by Morris who had a twisted grin on his face as he turned around to look at them. "Mr Marcus I hope you're doing well with your farm." He said before turning around and walking off. "What did he mean by that ?" Leah asked as they made it to the farm.

"I don't know." He said as they walked in and sat down on the sofa. "I wouldn't worry about it after all we did really good getting the farm's name out there and your artwork." She smiled at him. "Yeah it was a really good day indeed."

The next morning was a very bitter cold sort of morning as knock was heard  on the door. Marcus opened the door and there stood Morris with the governor and a piece of paper. "Well well Mr Marcus it would seem you didn't file your paperwork correctly." he said with an evil grin. "What do you mean ?" The governor cleared his throat. "Are you married ?" Marcus shook his head. "Then can you explain why their is a woman living with you ?" Marcus leaned on the door. "She's me fiance she's staying with me for the winter." The governor looked down not happy with what Morris was doing. "My boy I really do not want to do this but you are to be fined two hundred and fifty thousand gold for this and I fear if you can not pay this fine then I will be force to put this farm up for auction. " His eyes widening he almost fell backwards. "I..I don't have that kind of money." Morris only grinned more. "You could just get it over and sell the land to me after all Joja is the superior choice so might as well not compete with us anymore." The governor's hands were tied. "You have one week to pay the fine after that we'll be starting the auction for this farm." Taking his hat off his frowning clearly seen he sighed before giving a heart felt goodbye and leaving as Morris followed laughing.

Leah had been listening all along when Marcus closed the door and just stared at it. "Marcus this is all my fault ! If we hadn't of done this your farm, you wouldn't of been put in such a mess." Marcus only shook his head before looking at her smiling.

"No. This was the best choice I ever made. You're my soul mate I would gladly give up this farm if it meant staying with you for the rest of my life." Tears began to roll down her face as she leaned into his chest. "What are we going to do ! I don't want to lose our home." He placed his arms around her and sighed. "I don't know." he said as the bitter wind began to blow.

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