Chapter 1

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Still Jayln's POV

As I got on the bus, I looked around for a seat on the bus. I couldn't help but smile a little once I saw my friends, wait scratch that best friends, shoving each other on the back of the bus. As I made my way back to them, they all did that weird thing where they say something at the same time since their triplets.

"Hey guys! You all glad it's Friday?" I asked already knowing the answer.

I couldn't hold back a laugh at the 'Hell yeahs!' and the one 'Bitch you guessed it! Whoo!' that came at me as their replies.

'What about you? What you thinkin' bout doin' this weekend?' asked Jamal.

I thought about it then finally turned to face him.

'I don't know. I guess it depends on how today goes,' was the best reply I could come up with. I would most likely do what I do every other weekend; stay home, read, watch movies, and listen to music.

'You think Kean and them gorilla lookin bitches she hang wit gone mess with you today,' asked Malik, the more ghetto out of the three.

'When has she NOT messed with me in some way everyday?'

'Girl I know you might be a lil bit in ya feelins right now... But DAMN girl got bars!!' Jessie said trying to be the clown as always.

I just smiled, shook, my head and waited for the bus to pull up to school.

(In the school parking lot)

As I got off the bus, I looked around the parking lot at all the stereotypical high school cliques. Since we're in California, a lot of people spend most of their time outside as much as possible.

I looked over and tried to keep the feelings of sadness, jealousy and anger on the low at seeing Kean hugged up on one of the cheerleaders that is believed to be her on again off again fuck buddy.

Me and the Three Musketeers (that's what I call them) went our separate ways. I was at my locker getting my Calculus, Biology, and AP English textbooks for my first few classes.

As I closed my locker, I felt an all too familiar presence towering over me. I closed my eyes and tried to calm my racing heart.

'Hey thot. See yo ass think you Beyoncé or some shit wearing that outfit.'

At those words I let out a tired sigh. I turned around to be met with my huge ass crush aka bully, Kean. She was at least 6'1, had honey blond tipped dreads that went to her shoulders, and the most amazing crystal clear blue eyes that stand out because of her golden skin. (Not sure if anyone really looks likes this. Just used my imagination.)

I guess she caught me staring, because she gave me a smug smirk that made me a little wet and my knees weak.

She stepped up super close to me and breathed in my ear.

'You like what you see don't you? You wish that you were mine and that I would kiss and fuck you till you can't walk... Don't you?'

After saying those words, she grabbed my waist rubbing her dick, which by the way is huge, on my thigh and licked my ear. I'm not sure whether she heard or if it was in my head or not, but I'm pretty sure I whimpered.

I guess she must've heard me, because she stepped back with that smirk back on her face. She then looked me straight in the eye and said,

'Too fuckin bad. I doubt you even tight enough. Probably too loose to even feel shit, and I'm 12 1/2 inches. Don't nobody want a thot like you.'

And with that, she shoved me into my locker, not enough to hurt or for me to fall though, and walked away like she never even saw me.

Seeing as I had at least 20 minutes left till first period, I grabbed my things and silently made my way to the bathroom, wondering if anyone saw what happened. As I made it in the bathroom I noticed no one was inside, so I locked the door before anyone could come in. I looked at myself in the mirror as I cried, even more grateful that I decided not to wear makeup.

I can't help but think about how deep I'm in with this girl. I'm not sure which is worse... Loving her and not having her, or loving her in general.

'My weekend is already off to a bad start.'

A/N: Sorry these chapters are so short. But on the bright side, it doesn't take me forever to update stories. I just always have a lot of time on my hands, which I usually use to read anyway.

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