Chapter 2

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Most of this story will be in Jalyn's POV. There will be some changes here and there. Enjoy!

Jalyn's POV

It's been two hours since what happened with Kean and the whole bathroom-breakdown. I am currently sitting in Calculus, someone kill me now. Don't get me wrong I understand it, but that doesn't mean I want to do it.

Unfortunately, I share this class with one of Kean's friends. I think her name is Laura... Laurell? I don't know and to be honest, I don't care. But apparently she cares enough about me to the point where she feels the need to throw things at me. I mean really, how childish can you be? At least she's not talking to me and insulting me. I decide to endure it for the rest of class.

(20 minutes later)

It's lunch time finally, and right now I'm at my locker putting my books away. Since I was paying for lunch, I grabbed my purse and headed for the cafeteria.

As I turn around my purse is smacked out of my hands and I hear people laughing. I don't even acknowledge them as I bend over to pick up my things, luckily I'm very flexible, or these jeans would have made it hard.

Once I finally gather everything up, I look over to see Kean down the hall, leaning against the lockers, biting her lip, and staring at my ass. I squinted my eyes and noticed she was holding or trying to contain an... Erection?!?

My eyes widen slightly and I look back up to see her looking me straight in the eyes, hers were darker and held something I couldn't believe, let alone understand... Was it lust?

I didn't have time to ponder this thought for long seeing as the final warning bell for lunch rung. I snapped out my somewhat daze and once again headed for the cafeteria.

Once I made it, I bought my lunch and sat down with the triplets. They were having a discussion on who was better; Nicki Minaj, Iggy Azelea, or Rihanna.

Personally, I couldn't really decide. I liked them all the same, and that is exactly what I told them. I finished lunch early and decided to go to the gym.

I went in and changed my clothes into one of my gym outfits, since I had this class a little later. I came out dressed in a dark gray under armor shirt with a sports bra underneath, some black basketball shorts, and some all black concord low Jordan's.

I decided to grab a basketball and do some warm ups and then some shooting. Even though I'm not a part of the basketball team, I am still an exceptional player. I may have joined had Kean not been the captain of the team, and maybe tried to push me around. And it may have to do with not wanting to be distracted while watching her play.

After all the warm ups and shooting I could take, I decided to head to the locker room to take a shower.

About ten minutes into the shower, I kinda felt like someone was watching me. I quickly turned around, only to find no one there. I did the same outside the stall and found the same.

I decided to shrug it off and finish my shower. As I came out in a towel, I headed for my locker.

All of a sudden, my towel is snatched off my body from behind, and a hand gets placed over my mouth, cutting off my scream. I was then shoved face first into the cold lockers and I shivered a little.

I then felt a warm breath on the back of my neck. Then I heard a voice say,

'I'm gone move my hand, DON'T fucking scream, or I'm gone beat yo ass.'

Once I realized whose voice it was, I couldn't scream anyway, or speak for that matter. Here I am naked, pinned against some lockers, with her on my back, and something hard poking my ass.


'You know I could just beat the shit out of you right now, and nobody would no when it happened or who did it?'

At those words I couldn't help but whimper and tremble a little in fear. I guess that must have made her angry, because she let out a pretty loud growl/moan.

'Or, I could just bend you over one of these benches and fuck till you can't stand, or help but to call me daddy or papi.'

I was shocked by her words, but even more shocked when she started to thrust and practically dry hump my ass while moaning.

'Well, what will it be? Either get yo ass beat, or get fucked so hard you can barely remember your own name.'

After she said those words, she continued her thrusting and began to kiss and bite all

over my neck. I moaned when she bit my spot then licked it leaving a hickey, I couldn't help but moan out;

'Fuck Papi.'

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