Chapter 9

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Triple sorry guys!!!! /(ToT)\ This is only really going to be a short filler chapter AND I'm going to need to get a new phone (°~°) because mine broke. Enjoy!!!!

Kean POV
I woke up to the most disrespectful thing ever...  The sun in my mother effin' face. Y'all believe it or not, I am not- I repeat-NOT a morning person. Knowing that I wouldn't be able to get back to sleep I stretched and felt the spot next to me. It was cold and empty, and after checking to see if Jalyn was in the bathroom (which she wasn't), I realized I was alone.

    After quickly doing my business, I briskly walked, okay full out ran down stairs and stood in the middle of my empty living room. I was standing there trying to figure out if what happened last night was a dream. It couldn't have been because I know for a fact I wasn't drunk and imagining things. I let out a deep sigh and headed towards the kitchen to make me something to eat. As I got closer, I began to hear music and smell something amazing.

  When I fully entered the kitchen I was mesmerized. There was Jalyn putting food on two plates, while dancing to Justin Bieber's song Despacito. I just stood there watching while her hair was in a messy bun, as she sung and wined (wound? IDK😐) her hips to the beat of the song. And I must admit, looking sexy as hell while doing so.

  Once she was done getting the plates prepared, I decided to let my presence be known. I quietly snuck up behind her, wrapped my arms around her waist and kissed the side of her neck. After she jumped and gave a light squeak,  I mumbled a "good morning" into her neck, which she returned with a shy smile.

  "I made breakfast", she declared with a proud smile on her face. I gently smiled at her cuteness and said "It looks and smells great baby." After giving her a peck on the cheek and watching her blush, I sat down to eat, and looked at her waiting for her to do the same. "Oh right", she said and quickly sat down. I just chuckled and pulled her onto my lap. She blushed, but then quickly got over it and decided to just eat while sitting on my lap.

  After a little while of nothing but the sound of music and us eating, I got an idea, but I was kind of nervous to ask her.

Jalyn POV
"What are your plans for today?" It took me a moment to register her question, and a little longer to answer. "Oh nothing much, just babysitting my nephew for my sister. Why?" I answer then ask.

  She seemed to get nervous then said "I wanted to see if you would be willing to hang out with me today", she said. "Are you trying to ask me on a date?" I ask. "Maybe I am", she replied with a nervous smirk." After she said that, I got nervous yet excited.

Sorry guys, like I said its nothing much but Kean wants to take Jalyn on a date. What do you guys think?


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