Chapter 7

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Kean's POV

After seeing her break down and let out her feelings, all I wanted to do, was hug her. So I did. I quickly walked over to her and pulled her into a tight hug. I just kept whispering comforting words in her ear. Then all of a sudden she pulls back and looks me in the eyes. God I love her eyes. Mine are just blue like the ocean; but hers can be green like the forest, blue like the sky, and gray like a storm.

As I wipe away her tears, I hear her say something that makes my heart beat faster and my palms sweat.

"Prove it." I took a deep breath and did what I have been wanting to do since yesterday. I lightly grab the back of her neck, and smash my lips to hers. I couldn't help but moan after feeling her soft lips once again. I think I'm addicted to them.

She didn't kiss back at first so I just kissed her harder. That got her to finally start kissing me back, but slowly. After calming down slightly, I slow down to her pace so the kiss is more passionate and less heated. I guess she appreciate this because she started kissing me for real. And might I say, I fucking loved it.

Once I pulled away to breathe, I looked at her and noticed her eyes sort of glazed over. It looked like she was high, but not off weed. Then before I could react, she started attacking my neck with her tongue, lips, and teeth. All I could do was groan as I felt her leave what I assumed to be a huge ass hickey on the side of my neck. Then she stood on the tips of her toes and went from my jaw line, to my lips.

I couldn't help but kiss back and run my hands down the curves of her body. I'm not gone lie, I was getting hard as fuck. I don't know how this hot ass make out session started, but I'm not sure if she ready to go all the way. So, I pull back and as I catch my breath, I say "So what happens next?" Since this might end up being her first time having sex, I wanted to give her control of what may or may not happen. She bit her lip and made this cute little thinking face.

"Can I spend the night?" Okay that, I wasn't expecting. I thought she was going to do what I did to her and leave me here looking stupid. But I quickly realize she's not petty like that. Another reason why I'm in love with her. All I do is give a small relaxed smile and say sure. I ask her if she wants any night clothes to shower and change into.

"What about the party happening downstairs", she asks. Oh shit, I totally forgot about the party. To be honest, I wasn't really feeling it anyway and it wasn't even my idea. So I just shrug and say "I got it." I quickly text my nigga Laura, and tell her to end the party. As I finish I look up and see Jalyn on her phone. I guess she texting her parents or some friends she came with.

Turns out, it was her friends. She just let them know that they didn't have to worry about finding or waiting on her. A few seconds later, we heard the music stop. Then there was yelling from I'm guessing Laura, telling everyone the party was over and to leave. Although there were protests, after a few minutes there was nothing but silence. Then I heard the front door shut and got a message.

L: I got you.

I text back a quick thanks and turn my phone off. I think she did the same as well and put it back in her pocket. I once again offer her some night clothes to sleep in and this time she accepts. I grab her some girl underwear, (don't ask why I have any. And no one has ever worn them.) a sports bra, one of my t-shirts that's gone be hella long on her; and some basketball shorts that are too short for me. I give her a new toothbrush and washcloth to use, and tell her where the towels are in the bathroom. As she takes a shower in my bathroom, I grab some clothes and go take a shower in another one nearby.

I end up finishing before her, so I just sit on my bed and go through my Tumblr. About twenty minutes later, as I'm on Instagram, I hear the bathroom door open. She walks out in nothing but the underwear, shorts and sports bra. As I'm staring, I also notice she has her hair in a bun. "Sorry the shirt was a little too big on me, so I just decided to wear this. Plus I hate sleeping in bras, so I prefer just this."

As I sit there and stare at her, all I can do is swallow and say it's cool. As she moves toward the bed, she bends down to plug in my charger to charge her phone. All I can think is: Dear sweet God she trynna kill me. Yup that's it, her plan is to kill me with sexual frustration. I shake my head and take a deep breath. Once she's done with her phone I ask if she is hungry. She said sure, so I ordered Chinese and got us both what we wanted. As we wait for the food we decide to play one of my games. She went to the shelf with the PS4 games and put in COD: Black Ops 2. We both grabbed a controller and played free for all on multiplayer.

Now I ain't gone lie, Ma got some serious skills. She can play, man it's just us and she sniping from God knows where. The fuckin map can't even tell me where she at! I got desperate, so I did a little screen watching. I know I'm a cheater, but like I said a nigga desperate. Once I find where she hiding, instead of running pass like I was doing before, I sneak up next to the opening. Then I jump out hella quick and knife her ass!

"How the hell you find me?! You must have been screen watching with yo cheating ass." She shouted. "Maybe I was. Or maybe you just mad that I found you." I say shrugging. She looked at me, then narrowed her eyes and said "Nah I think you screen watched. You're such a sore loser. That's why I won anyway." She said sticking her tongue out at me.

I looked at her with my eyebrows raised. "I'm a what?" I ask moving toward her slowly. "You heard me", she said trying to act hard but was cautious. I jumped towards her and she tried to run. I caught her just in time before we both feel off the bed. I pin her to the floor with one of my hands holding both her hands above her head. I use the other one as leverage while I lean over her.

"Say sorry", was the only thing I said. "Nuh-uh", she said shaking her head while smiling. I just shrugged the best I could and started tickling her with my free hand. She bust out laughing and trying to squirm away from me.

"NO!! AHHH!! ST-STOOOHHP!" She said while laughing and wiggling around. "NOT til you apologize for calling me a sore loser." She just keeps laughing and rolling around. "PLEASE!!" She shouted while trying to catch her breath. "What's the magic word," is all I ask as I keep tickling her. "Okay okay!! I'm s-so-rry for c-cal-ling you a sore loser", she says while trying to catch her breath.

I let go of her hands, lean in close, and say, "Thank you." She just looks at me for a moment, and then....

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