Chapter 6

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Jalyn's POV

Out of all the parties; out of all the big ass houses in the world; she's here. I mean seriously? Why is it so hard for me to escape her? All I wanted to do was have a nice time and enjoy partying with my friends. But nooo. She gotta come out of nowhere and kill a bitch vibe. Then gone have the nerve to grab me while I'm walking away.

You know what, I'm just gone shake it off. I'm gone pretend like I didn't see her and that she was never here. So with that I left the bathroom after cleaning off my top the best I could. Luckily it's dark so all you really see is a wet spot and not a stain. Unfortunately, my drink was cold and I did not wear a bra tonight... My nipples are hard like diamonds.

As I turn the corner to go back downstairs, my whole entire plan just sprouted wings and flew the fuck away. I see Kean looking in different directions, most likely trying to find me. For what, I do not know. And I really don't want to find out. As soon as I am about to sneak away, she spots me. I decided to do the next best thing... run the fuck away. So I run down the hall trying to find any room to hide in. Sadly almost every door was locked, and I knew she was close. I was right, but just as I saw her turn the corner, I found a door that was unlocked.

As I hurry and open the door, I stop and take a look around. This room is huge as shit. Now I know my parents are successful and have well paying jobs, but damn, my room isn't even this big. I notice a bed that looks like two king sized mattresses combined with black pillows and a black silk looking blanket. A few feet directly across from the bed, is an all black TV stand with a huge flat screen and at least four different game systems. It looked like each system had its own shelf with hella games in each one. Same for the DVD player and the DVDs.

As I hear footsteps outside the door, I stop staring and focus on what I was doing here in the first place. Which was hiding from Kean. I quickly look around and the best place I see to hide is under the bed. I quickly run towards it and slide like a baseball player under it.

Once I'm fully under it, I hear the door open and heavy footsteps. I take a wild guess and I am right when I see Kean walk to the center of the room where I was once standing. I see her walk into what appears to be a closet and search there. She then walked closer to the bed. I put a hand over my mouth and held my breath to keep quiet.

"Nah. She wouldn't be under there. Maybe..." I heard her raspy but deep voice say. She quickly went to what I assume was the bathroom. And I am once again reminded of how big this room is. I mean this bed doesn't even take up half the space in here, and I literally could lay on a blanket and sleep under here. I quickly snap out of my thoughts when I hear a door close. When I look up, I see that the bathroom door is still open, but the light is off. There must be a second door that leads to the hall but was locked before.

When I think the coast is clear, I quickly but quietly get up from under the bed. I basically tiptoe to the door I came through and listen for any noise. Not hearing anything but the music downstairs, I slowly pull the door open. I immediately come face to face with Kean and I gasp and take a step back. She quickly comes in, locks the door behind her and looks at me. All I can really think right now is 'Oh shit.'

Hold on wait a minute. Y'all thought I was finished?
I quickly try to play it off like she didn't just scare the hell out of me, and crossed my arms over my chest.

"What do you want? And why are you here?" I ask with hella attitude. I saw her just look at me so intensely with those deep blue eyes that I got lost in for a second.

Even though I was distracted I still hear her say, "One: I need to talk to you. Two: This is my room, so I should be asking you that. And three: Lose the fuckin' attitude."

I just look at her dumb like and ask, "Wait. This is your house? This is your room?" Even after hearing her say it I'm having a hard time accepting it.

She just looks at me a little amused and says "Yes. And yes." But then the amusement goes away and she turns serious again. "About what happened Friday," she says then looks away not finishing her sentence.

I sigh heavily as if under a lot of stress and simply say quietly, "I don't want to talk about it." Now either she didn't hear me, or she just didn't care.

"I didn't know that... You So what, now you believe that I'm a virgin? Now all of a sudden you care?" I ask cutting her off. I don't really know why but I was getting upset. My anger only peaked when she had the nerve to look hurt and say, "Of course I care."

"Oh please. You're such a fucking liar," I couldn't help but scoff. She just stood there and stared at me with this weird ass look in her eyes. Then out of nowhere she asked one of the dumbest questions possible in this situation. 'How?'

"Really nigga?" I asked with an attitude and slightly raising my voice. I guess she didn't like that, cause she started to scowl at me. At this point I was so done with this shit I didn't even care I kept going.

"Let's start with the fact that you have been bullying me for god knows how long; and I don't even know why." Her scowl softened after that and she looked away sadly, but I was too angry and heartbroken to care. What happened Friday and what's been happening since high school started began taking its toll on me. So I just kept going feeling tears build up.

"You constantly harass me, tease me, call me names and I don't know why. All I know is that I suck it up and take it because for some reason I had the biggest crush on you and am sadly now in love with you. And once again I don't know why. I guess I got this stupid idea in my mind that one day you would tell me you feel the same way, and that you didn't mean any of the hurtful things you did or said that broke my heart a little more every time you did or said them. You say you care, but what about when I was naked in the locker room shouting and begging for you with tears in my eyes to come ba-ack? Where w-as your c-care then," I ask hiccuping with tears spilling down my face. I was trying so hard not to break down like I did in the locker room.

Next thing I know I'm being hugged really tight and I keep hearing 'I'm sorry' and 'I do care'. Even though I have been wanting to hear those words from her for the longest, I find them hard to truly believe. So I pull away from the hug and look her deep in the eyes. She does the same as she wipes away my tears. I say the one thing that keeps repeating in my head.

"Prove it."

A/N: Sorry it's been so long but I decided to make this chapter extra long and good news. Double update. After this is gonna be chapter 7. Now I'm gone be honest, I don't really know how many chapters there will be. I'm just freestyling/winging it. But I will continue it the more votes I get and until I feel I am done with this story.

Prove It G!PDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora