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"Ali?" A voice questioned.

The woman in question began to stir slightly, her eyes fluttering open. "Rick?"

"No - it's me. Belle."

Ali sighed and carefully sat herself up so her back was resting against the nearest wall. The cold cement caused goosebumps to ghost over her pale skin but she welcomed the change from the burning pain she had been experiencing a few hours before.

"Careful." Belle warned, moving to sit beside the blonde. "You've got a lot of bruising."

Ali's eyes trailed over her body to see that she was right. Almost every inch was covered in purple or blue. She ran a hand through her hair as a sigh left her lips. "Did the Governor come back?"

Belle shook her head. "No. I heard him talking though. Apparently, arrows took a few guys out on one of their runs this morning."

"Daryl!" Ali guessed before beginning to chuckle to herself. However, it was extremely dry and forced.

"What's so funny?" Belle questioned, raising an eyebrow in amusement.

"They're coming for us and they're gonna raise hell when they do." Ali smiled before breaking into a fit of giggles once again (although it caused her extreme pain with each spasm).

Belle just shook her head at her friends state. Suddenly, gun shots began to ring throughout the building making the girls turn to silence.

"Told you." Ali smiled, beginning to stand but sadly stumbled to the side. Luckily, Belle rushed to her side and helped her to stay standing.

"Take it easy." She warned, biting down on her bottom lip as she looked at Ali in worry. "Maybe we should stay here."

"No!" Ali cried causing Belle to jump at the sudden volume of her words. "No...I can't stay here anymore."

So, with that being said, the two girls made their way out of the door which was now unlocked (Ali picking up the steel pipe on the way).


"Are we going the right way?" Belle questioned, looking up and down the empty street in fear that they would be spotted. However, Ali didn't seem to share her fear. The brunette just kept her eyes focused on the gates ahead - their only exit.

"Where do you think you're going?" A suddenly voice called making Belle jump and Ali curse.

"Listen here!" ali yelled, turning to see the Governor surrounded by a group of his armed men. "We don't want anymore pain. We don't want anymore trouble so please...Just leave us the hell alone."

The Governor just let out a laugh as he advanced on the two. But, Ali stood her ground. She stepped foreword, pushing Belle behind her as she twirled the metal in her hand.

"You should listen to the woman." A new voice said before any of them could say another word. Gunshots were then sent flying towards the enemies.

Immediately, a smile of relief took over Ali's features as she turned to see Daryl, Ann, Michonne, Maggie, Glenn and Rick firing everything they had.

"Rick..." Ali breathed before falling to her knees, her body to weak to stand anymore.

"It's me." Rick cried, pulling her into a gentle hug as he swallowed the lump forming in his throat at the sight of the broken woman. "Are you okay?"

Ali shook her head as she clung onto him like a life line. "No."

"Come on. We're getting you girls out of here."


"Is she awake?" Rick questioned to which Hershel nodded his head. Immediately, Rick entered the small prison cell to see Ali laying in bed rubbing her eyes rid of sleep.

"Hey." She whispered as he came to her side.

"Good morning." He replied, taking one of her bruised hands in both of his.

"How's Belle?" Ali questioned, concern laced within her words.

"She's okay. Carl's never left her side."

Ali just chuckled before patting the space next to her. "Come on."

Rick smiled in response and climbed into the small bed beside his girlfriend. However, his eyes widened in worry when Ali winced.

"It's okay." She grinned, "You just hit my rib."

"I'm so sorry." Rick whispered, his voice breaking as tears threatened to spill. "I should've been there. I should've saved you earlier. I'm so sorry."

Ali pulled him into a hug when she noticed the tears beginning to fall. Her heart broke when she felt him sob against her chest. "Hey, it's okay." She whispered. "You're here now. We're safe...Everything's okay!"

AloneOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora