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Work began the next morning and the day after. 

Tables lined the fences creating barricades, guns were hidden in every place possible without being obvious...all as Ali lay in one of the small cells, pale and unconscious. Doubt ran through the group whether she would even wake up or if her lifeless body would be the last thing they would see before she transformed into one of the undead. However, they didn't have the time to go over the matter as The Governor's threat was only two days away. They could only hope that this wasn't the case.

"Are all of the fences secure?" Rick questioned, his voice hoarse from the lack of sleep.

"Yeah. Maggie and I took care of it." Glenn muttered. He sighed as he saw that the other man's mind was else where. Almost as if reading his mind, Glenn added, "She's going to be okay."

Rick just weakly smiled and nodded his head before heading in the opposite direction, towards the exit. He could hear the rain before he even stepped a foot outside. But, he didn't seem fazed.

He began walking around the perimeter, letting the rain soak through his clothes and drip down his skin. The cold made goosebumps cover his bare arms and a shiver involuntarily run down his spine. Unfortunately, the rain didn't wash the worry away.

The worry about Ali. The worry about Carl. The worry about everyone else, his family. He wasn't sure what was going to happen within the coming days and with Ali being in the state she was, he was struggling to keep the his hope high. 

"Stop thinking."

The new voice made Rick jump. He spun round only to see Selena standing a few steps behind him. He chuckled to himself at her silent nature.

"It's hard not too." He admitted, placing a hand against the fence, leaning his weight upon it.

"You've got to try. Switch it off." Rick watched as she began to walk away from him but not before looking over her shoulder and saying, "It's the only way you'll survive."

Her words rung in his mind long after she disappeared further down the path and out of sight. He didn't know how long had passed before the frustration began running through his veins. His fist collided with one of the wooden support beams making pain seer through his hand.

"It's the only way you'll survive."

"Rick." A voice screamed, snapping him out of his thoughts. "Rick!"

He turned to see Belle racing across the field. He lifted an eyebrow in confusion but his face suddenly dropped.

"It's Ali!"

At her words, he began racing across the field, hope replacing the frustration. As he ran into the prison once again, everyone looked his way knowing what was happening. However, he didn't stop. His feet pounded across the floor along with his heart hammering in his chest. Every step brought him closer to Ali's cell until suddenly, there she was with Carl sitting besides her.

Laying there, she looked so peaceful in that moment. Her skin pale, hands neatly folded together on her stomach. The bruises were bold in colour; purple and blue twisting together to create a sick artwork.

However, there was one difference which made tears begin to fall down Rick's face.

Her eyes were open.

Ice blue, looking straight at him.

"You're alive?" He breathed, cautiously going to take a seat besides Carl. His eyes never left her, almost as if she was going to disappear if he looked else where.

"What else would I be?" She teased, shifting to a sitting position with the help of her son. She winced when she twisted too far to the right making her ribs crack.

However, she let out a genuine giggle afterwards at the pairs worried reaction. Her eyes then flickered to the doorway of the cell where everyone had gathered to see. Her cheeks tinted a slight red but the smile never left her face.

"I'm alive." She whispered, turning back to Carl and Rick.

There was a moment of silence before everyone crowded around her for a group hug. Laughing and sighing in relief. This was the moment they had all been silently begging to happen: Ali to wake up and everyone to be fine.

Ali's eyes filled with tears when Daryl handed her Judith. The little girl immediately began giggling at the sight of her mother.

"Okay. Okay!" Maggie yelled, causing everyone to pull away. "We should let them have their privacy. Come on."

Ali watched as everyone filed out of the room leaving her, Judith, Carl and Rick. Turning to them, she shuffled over to make room. "Come on."

The pair immediately jumped onto the bed - Carl on her left and Rick on her right. However, she frowned when she saw Rick's hesitant moves. Whether that was because of her injuries or their argument being fresh in his mind, she didn't know. Deciding to take matters into her own hands, she grabbed his face in her free hand and pressed her lips against his.

"Gross!" Carl complained.

Ali could feel Rick smile against her before she pulled away and rested against his chest.

This was where she belonged. Right here, right in this moment.

"I love you." She whispered.

Judith giggled sleepily which made them all smile.

Carl smiled and whispered, "I love you too.", taking one of her hands in his. Ali's smile faltered slightly when her eyes flickered over the cuts coating his arms.

And Rick? Well, he just pressed a kiss against her temple and whispered, "I love you more."

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