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"Andrea?" Ali gasped. At the sound of her voice, the woman in question turned around as a smile graced her features. Immediately, Ali ran to give her a hug. "I've missed you so much."

"I missed you too." Andrea whispered, pulling the blonde away so she could take a look at her face which she hadn't seen in, what seemed to be, forever. "You haven't changed a bit."

Ali breathed out a laugh but suddenly turned serious when she remembered what information Andrea may have. "Have you seen my brother?"

Andrea frowned, "What do you mean?"

"I haven't seen him since the farm before we all had to run. He never met up with us and I just assumed he might be with you." Ali explained as Andrea looked at the others for help. 

"She doesn't know?" She questioned, looking specifically at Rick who shook his head and gave her a glare. "Why haven't you told her?"

"I...I couldn't!" He admitted, which left Ali even more confused than before. She took a step forward and looked at everyone for any sign of help. However, they could only stare at her with sympathy. 

"What am I missing?" Ali questioned, a nervous chuckle leaving her lips. Her gaze landed on Rick and she frowned, her eyebrows furrowing with the action. "What haven't you told me?"

Andrea sighed, finally accepting that she would have to be the one to explain the unfortunate turn of events, and turned to look at Ali. "Sit down." 

The younger woman complied as she eagerly waited for her to carry on. 

"That night, before the walkers attacked, your brother and Rick went to look for the guy, remember?" 

Ali nodded my head. 

"Well, when they were coming back, they begun arguing over you being safe with Rick. Shane believed that you - and the kids - weren't safe with him because of his 'lack of thinking' when it came to risks. They then begun to fight before Shane pulled a gun on Rick. Somehow, Rick persuaded your brother to put it down. It was at this point that...Rick stabbed Shane, killing him."

Silence fell on the room as Andrea waited for a reaction from Ali or even an outburst of anger at Rick. However, after a few moments had passed, she slowly from her chair. "I need some air."

With that, they watched as she quickly left the room, desperate to get out of the prison which suddenly seemed to be becoming smaller.

Everything suddenly felt too closed in and she couldn't breath properly. The wind which ghosted her skin when she stepped outside made shivers run through her. However, it didn't help one bit.

The only thing Ali was able to focus on was her heart pounding in her chest at an abnormal speed.

I can't breath. I can't breath.

"Ali." A voice called but it seemed all too far away. "Ai."

It was like she was drowning; being pulled under the waves as the water began to fill her lungs. The water causing her to be both flaming hot and freezing cold at the same time. 

Suddenly, a pair of arms pulled her into a hug but she tried to push them away, wanting to have space. Unfortunately, their strength overpowered hers. Realising this, Ali collapsed into their chest as she began to let out all of the sadness, anger and grief which had begun to build up inside of her.

"Ali, you need to breath." Glenn spoke, trying to get her to calm down. He could feel her tears soaking his shirt but he didn't complain, knowing how painful it was to lose the ones you love in a world like this. 

It wasn't long before Ali found her tears stopping and instead, she rested against Glenn as she tried to catch her breath from the sobbing she had done. Once she was sure that she'd be okay, she stepped away from Glenn and smiled softly. "Thank you."

He just nodded as she turned to look at the rest of the group who had begun to gather outside, wanting to make sure the woman was all right after the news she had just received of her brother's passing.

Without warning, Ali was crushed into yet another hug; but this time, from her son Carl who's eyes were filled with tears. "Everything's okay." Ali tried to reassure him but knew that it was no use. Nothing was ever okay and it would never be again (especially knowing her brother had died at the hands of the father of her children).

"I'm sorry to interrupt but I have even more bad news." Andrea interrupted, gaining everyone's attention. Her words were laced with sympathy as she continued. "The Governor is planning to take over this place and kill you all. He has a plan set in place for three days time."

"Is there anyway we can stop him?" Rick questioned, taking a step forward. He didn't even cast a glance towards Ali, knowing that she would need space and time before she was even willing to talk to him.

Andrea hesitated, sorrow clouding her features. "There is one..."

"What is it?" Ali piped up. However, from the look on the blonde's face, she wasn't sure if she wanted to know the answer.

"He wants Ali and Belle. Most likely to kill them."

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