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  • इन्हें समर्पित: Ann_Senpai

A week later and the two girls were officially healed. Bruises no longer coated their skin and the wounds that were inflicted were no longer pouring blood. They did still have nightmares, however. But, so long as they had someone to calm them down afterwards, the girls were coping with them fine.

Currently, Belle and Carl were laying next to each other in the empty field as they basked in the sun's rays. Their hands ghosting through the green blades of grass as their eyes inspected the sky above them.

"The silence is strange." Carl's smile was soft, his voice light and nearly getting swept away in the gentle breeze.

"Why do you say that?" Belle questioned, turning her head to look at her best friend.

"It's just," he began, using his free hand to push the loose strands of his hair from his face. "For once in forever, everything seems quiet! Not completely silent, but quiet. It's strange."

Belle just smiled in understanding and turned to look back to the blue blanket above them. "Don't complain." She teased, making Carl's smile grow wider.


The adults within the prison were currently gathered in the dining hall, deciding what they were going to do about The Governor (who had not yet made another move). Ideas were being thrown backwards and forwards between the members but no plan they came up with seemed one hundred percent fool-proof.

"We can't just sit here after what they did to Belle and Ali." Beth frowned. She adjusted Judith who was sitting upon her hip, babbling away to herself. "We need to show him that we can't just be pushed over."

"I agree." Rick nodded in understanding. "But we can't go rushing in there. We need to think about what's best for us too."

"We're outnumbered." A voice suddenly spoke up, drawing the group's attention. They saw Ali standing against the doorway, arms crossed and a small frown upon her face. Immediately, Rick rushed to help her to a table where she then proceeded to sit as she explained her previous statement. "From the amount of different guards I saw whilst I was there, he has no shortage of men ready to follow his lead."

The group was silent for a moment, letting her words sink in. Each of them had their own ideas of what to do but there was no majority. However, Daryl soon spoke up. "We let him come to us."

"What do you mean?" Rick questioned, raising an eyebrow in confusion.

Daryl shifted his weight from one foot to the other. He looked at the group as if the answer was obvious. "If he wants this prison, he won't just sit and wait until we die or move on. He'll take it as soon as possible."

"Daryl's right." Ali nodded. "He wants this place desperately. He's going to come here soon, I can guarantee it."

The group all shared the same look of both worry and fear. If we are as outnumbered as Ali says, we'll die when he gets here. However, Rick nodded his head; finalising the decision.

"Then, we wait."

Aloneजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें