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"There's too many walkers." Selena complained as she turned to slice one in the head with her katana. The dark red splattered across her shirt making her groan.

"We can still do this." Rick affirmed even though there was doubt running through his mind.

They had been fighting for a good while now; between both the dead and the living. However, they were running out of energy and ammunition. Ali also hadn't returned which worried them all.

"We can't let them have the prison." Rick reminded as he fired his gun at one of the Governor's men.

During the fight, he had lost track of Shane's whereabouts. Which also meant that he hadn't seen him sneak into the prison with his gun held high.

His footsteps echoed off the walls as he slowly made his way to cell block C. Every cell was empty of its contents. He automatically came to the conclusion that they had packed in case the worst came.

Suddenly, he heard hushed voices coming from the main hall at the end of the block. He held his gun higher before rushing to the open doorway.

Inside, he saw Carl and Belle sitting side by side with their backs to him. They both held weapons in their hands which Shane knew they were capable of using.

"Drop the weapons." He ordered making the two kids jump and automatically take a defensive stance with their weapons pointing at him.

"Shane?" Carl questioned, shock in his expression. Shane just kept his guarded stance with his gun switching between the two in front of him.

"Drop the weapons." He repeated, more demanding than before.

Without warning, metal was pressed against his temple making him flinch at the contact. Out of the corner of his eye, he could see a flicker of a green shirt.

"Put the gun down." Ali growled. Her finger hovering above the trigger ready to pull it at any second.

Shane's eyes flickered to her before back to Carl and Belle. He knew himself that Ali would not hesitate to pull the trigger if it was to protect her son. And he knew that she would make sure the bullet went through his brain.

"Put the gun down Shane." She repeated, hate laced in her words. "You either put the gun down and fight with us or I kill you right now."

There was a moment of silence as they waited for his decision. With a sigh, he lowered his gun.

Ali swiftly took the weapon and placed it in the waistband of her jeans.

"Hey." Shane complained before Ali cut him off with a death glare.

"You point a gun at my boyfriend, then my son and you have the right to complain? You're lucky you're my brother. Otherwise, I wouldn't have purposely missed before."

With that, she turned to Belle and Carl. "We need you on the front. Think you can handle it?"

They both nodded as ali handed them both her and Shane's weapons. She watched them run towards the fight before turning to Shane.

"How are we gonna fight?" Shane questioned, raising an eyebrow at his little sister.

"The old fashion way." She smirked. That's when he saw her knuckles bandaged and the bat in her grip.

He smirked, "You've changed! Before I left, you wouldn't go anywhere without a gun."

Ali sighed. "Love. Hate. The Undead. They change you."

There was a moment of silence as they just studied each other.

"You ready to fight?" Ali whispered. "With us. With me?"

Shane smiled and ruffled her hair with his hand. "Ready as I'll ever be. Just make sure to stick besides me."

"I can protect myself!" Ali pouted as they began to walk towards the exit.

Shane chuckled. "Sure you can."

"Hey! You're the one that was down for fighting with the Governor. We should have killed you by now so less of the backtalk or I'll make sure to change the fact that you're still alive."

Shane breathed out a laugh. "You've definitely changed."

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