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Rick stood confused; one eyebrow furrowed and his mouth slightly agape. "Shane?" He questioned, grabbing the other man's attention. 

Shane frowned at the memory of what landed him where he was and gained him a bullet sized scar in his arm. 

"I thought you were dead." Rick continued not seeing the anger in Shane's features. 

"I thought so too." 

In one swift movement Shane brought a gun from the waistband of his jeans and pointed it at Rick. From this distance, there was no way he could miss. Not even a second later, Ali didn't hesitate to pull her own gun out of its holster and point it at Shane. She took a step back creating distance between them. 

"Don't make me do this." She pleaded, her voice cracking. "Please."

"I need to kill him!" Shane yelled, making his sister jump. "I need to keep you, Carl and Judith safe."

"I'm perfectly safe with him." Ali countered. 

The Governor climbed down from his perch and walked over to Shane's side. He smiled when he saw Ali slightly leaning to one side thanks to the bruised ribs he had caused her. The bandages covering her body gave away every single weak spot. He too pulled his own gun on her, aiming it directly at her heart making a shiver run down her spine. Immediately, Rick pulled his own gun and aimed it at the Governor.

The four stood frozen; each ready to pull the trigger on the other person. The silence which soon followed was filled with tension. 

"Put the gun down." Rick yelled, his eyes trained on The Governor but his words directed to everyone.

In her mind, Ali knew that one of them wasn't going to make it out alive. Someone would eventually get tired and pull the trigger releasing a bullet through someone's skull. However, she didn't think it would be her.

Pointing her gun slightly behind Shane's head, she fired the bullet. It just skimmed past but was enough to deafen him and through him off balance. Taking her chance, Ali ducked to the side just as the Governor's gun rang out, fortunately missing her by a fraction. Pulling a knife from the waistband of her jeans, she threw it knowing that there was no way she could miss. 

She watched with a smirk on her face as it ripped through the Governor's arm as he let out an ear piercing scream. 

"Run!" She screamed, turning to Rick. 

The pair began sprinting across the field as bullets whizzed through the air. Suddenly, bullets began hitting the enemy; knocking them down one by one. 

The pair dove behind an over turned bus with grins on their faces. It didn't go exactly to plan but it turned out to still be on their side.

"You okay?" Ali questioned, her blue eyes searching Rick's.

"Yeah. Are you?"

She nodded her head. 

There was a quiet moment where none of them spoke, trying to get their breath back into their lungs. A grin took over Rick's features. "Good aim!" 

Ali smiled before turning to take a look round the corner of the bus. "All together, I'd say there are about 40 men but we can take them. Glenn, Maggie and Michonne will head into the forest - hit them from behind. You, me and everyone else will keep them occupied here...Cover me?"

Rick didn't get a chance to reply when the blonde was already taking off across the field towards the prison where she soon disappeared from view. Rick chuckled before turning and beginning to fire at the other side. 

He could see the Governor being tended to by a girl, not much older than Belle and Carl, who was obviously the medic. The Governor was yelling at her to be faster making her jump with every word. 

The gates were suddenly stormed as the vehicles made there way inside. Rick cursed as he knew all of the sound would attract every walker within a 50 mile radius. This would make the fight even harder than before. 

Shifting his gaze, Rick then noticed Maggie, Michonne and Glenn heading into the forest before disappearing into the shadows. 

Without warning, an arrow whizzed past his head making him jump. He watched as it lodged itself in a  guy's forehead. Spinning on his heel, he saw Daryl and Selena making their way over to him. 

"We heard the plan." Selena said, coming to a stop. "Can we take these guys on?"

Rick nodded his head. "Don't hesitate to kill anybody. We need to throw all we have at these guys."

And that's what they did.

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