Chapter 2: We meet again.

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It had been nearly a week since the incident with Phantom Lord. Levy, Jet, and Droy all recovered, but Levy was still left broken on the inside. She felt small, weak, hopeless, pathetic... While everyone in the guild was still celebrating their victory against Phantom Lord, Levy sat in the back of the guild hiding herself from everyone. She ignored everyone, even Lucy. She only had small talk with Jet and Droy every once in a while, but it never lasted since she shut them out soon after.

The master's been missing all day. No one really bothered to seek him out since they all thought he was just taking a break after their recent "war". No one could imagine what Makarov was really up to..


Gajeel's eyes widened, he finally turned around to face the old man.

"come again?" he grunted at him.

"I want you to join Fairy Tail.." Master Makarov insisted.

"Tch. Why would you need trash like me?" Gajeel spat, once again turning away.

"What some call trash... others call treasure. You have strength my boy and you could be of use to us, unlike your former despicable guild.. Fairy Tail is a place for everyone to come together, we are a family. I want you to join us."

"But.. I hurt your friends" Gajeel's heart sank as a flash of Levy's trembling face crossed his mind.

"And for that. I will never forgive you." The master's voice deepened, emphasizing the 'forgive'.

Gajeel gulped, slowly turning to meet the man's eyes.

"..but letting a boy fall into darkness, would have been my very trap to no self forgiveness. So please. Join us." The master held his hand out, giving the younger mage a welcoming smile.

Gajeel thought for a bit before slowly reaching out to the man's hand. He hesitated before finally engulfing Makarov's hand with his larger one, shaking it as he accepted to join Fairy Tail.

Now the only thing Gajeel feared.. was having to face that innocent girl that he foolishly beat.


*Back at the guild*

"Minna! Master is back!" Mira cheered as Makarov entered the building.

Everyone cheered welcoming the Master back 'home'.

"Everyone! Let's enjoy ourselves as much as we can after this victory!" Master roared, pumping a fist into the air.


"Let's party!"

"This is Fairy Tail!"

Everyone was cheerful, the guild was at least back to their normal habits. 

"Gray-sama!" A woman's voice rung out from behind the master.

"Oi. I forgot to introduce everyone to Juvia Lockser! she has recently joined us, leaving behind her Phantom Lord history" The Master explained.

"Ey Juvia, thanks for joining us after all" Gray butted in, strolling over to her.

Her eyes suddenly sprung out, glistening at the Ice Make mage. 

"G-Gray-sama! Juvia is so overwhelmed to be in your guild!" She flung her arms out to give him a hug, but she was rejected as her face hit the ground and Gray was walking back to the table where Lucy and Natsu awaited.

She glared at Lucy, shooting her a death stare. "Love RIVAL!" She shrieked.

"Master, it's nice that she joined us... She helped tremendously at the Tower of Heaven incident." Erza spoke out to Makarov.

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