Chapter 9: Mommy and Daddy

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Levy's POV:

      Another loud roar rang throughout the forest.

"That's a dragon, all right! But what the fuck's a dragon doin' out here?!" Gajeel spat over the roar.

"A-Acnologia.." Gildarts barely whispered.

"Hm? What's Acnologia?" Wendy questioned, peeking out behind Erza.

"We must go. Now." Master Makarov said, dumbfounded.

Gajeel suddenly grabbed my hand and pulled me into him, as if he was sheltering me. The warmth of his body liberated through mine.

"Nahh! Come on we can beat this thing up!" Natsu whined.

"Natsu you idiot! Come on listen to Master for once!" Lucy yelled and smacked him upside the head. She took him by the back of his shirt and dragged him along with her.

Though there was still strong wind and roars, I couldn't seem too see the beastly Dragon that had Gildarts and Master's knees shaking. I looked up at Gajeel, his grip on my waist was tight.

"Uhh.. Gajeel?"

"Don't worry shrimp I gotcha and we're gonna be okay" There was a hint of doubt in his voice, and he pulled me along with him.

"Everyone, hide. Find safety somewh-"

And yet another loud roar cut Gildarts off. But this time...

"I-I-Is that A-Acnologia?" Wendy asked, tears forming over her fear stricken eyes.

The beast ravaged through the thick trees that were keeping us hidden. Its weight smashing down the foliage and trunks, flattening the whole area it landed.

My heart sank to my stomach, my hands wrapped around Gajeel tightly and I whimpered into his chest, digging my face to hide from the beast. I felt like a child, seeking protection from her guardian.

Acnologia is the dragon that is responsible for Gildarts' wounds. Gildarts, the strongest in our guild, couldn't beat this beast, so how could we? It ripped his chest open and even stole an arm and leg from him. Gildarts will never forgive Acnologia for what it took. And now, here was that beast. Here to destroy.. Us.

I could feel Gajeel's arms tighten. A shiver went through his body and I looked up at him. He looked down at me and leaned in to plant a kiss on my forehead. And he whispered,

"It's time to go Shrimp."

"BRATS! Get out of here!" Master Makarov bellowed. His voice growing along with his powers. He grew to the size of the dragon with his magic and went head on to attack it.

"Master!" I cried, letting go of Gajeel.

I couldn't let this man do that. He's the father I lost. When my parents were killed, I had no where to go.


"La da da dee.. hmm hmm hm." I hummed down the street to my home. It was a usual day of school I was about 5 now.

"Mama! Papa!" I called out once I entered the house.

"Ma?" I stepped into the kitchen where my mother would usually await me.

Mama wasn't there.

"Papa!" I yelled and walked into his office.

He wasn't there either..

I shrugged and thought they were just running late from work. So I waited at the table.. and waited.. and waited..


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