Chapter 4: Laxus' "Game" [Continued]

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Author's note: Alright so I'm in the process of doing a Science project so updates may be a little later than expected, very sorry to anyone who is disappointed. But I guess for now you can enjoy this chapter! :) Thank you and remember to vote/comment/follow or whatever! <3 love youuu


The bright light soon faded out and the smoke of the attack filled the air.

"Hahahaha!" Laxus laughed manically. "I wiped all of you out!"

The smoke cleared and a small, squeaky cough was heard; Levy.

"What?!" Laxus breathed, looking down at Gajeel and Natsu as the smoke disappeared around them. "I DID IT PERFECTLY! YOU SHOULD HAVE DIED." Laxus stared down at his palms in disbelief.

Gajeel let out a muffled cough. "You okay?" He asked, shifting his head to look over at Levy.

She nodded and smiled lightly at him, resting her body on the corner of the cathedral pillar. "Yeah, I'm fine. What about Natsu?" She stayed hidden behind the pillar, shooting him a worried glance.

His eyes shuffled over to Natsu and back to her.

"Hehe.. seems okay to me" He chuckled confidently.

"After using all that magical power..." Laxus whispered still examining his hands.

"Everyone in the guild and the people of the city are safe as well." The green haired mage, Freed, broke in.

Everyone shifted their looks on him. He was limping through the busted cathedral doors, his shirt mingled and in shreds. Mirajane had taken him down in the fight and was victorious with her win.

"Freed." Laxus huffed.

"Not a single person has been killed" Freed informed.

"That shouldn't be! My Fairy law was perfect!" Laxus protested.

"It was your heart, Laxus." Freed enlightened. "You inherited more than just the Master's strength and power, you've also got a heart that feels for your friends.. Fairy Law only affects those the caster sees as an enemy. You understand what this means, right Laxus?"

Levy finally stepped out from behind the pillar and walked up behind Gajeel and Natsu.

"The feelings he has deep down are revealed through his magic.." Levy spoke softly.

"Magic never lies, Laxus." Freed smiled at him. "This is what you really feel."

"No! Everyone who gets in my way is my enemy!" Laxus argued.

"Just quit this already, Laxus.. Go to the Master." Freed pleaded.

Instead of agreeing and going into peace with the Guild Laxus retaliated and drew up his magical power in fury. Electricity exerting throughout his veins as he grew with power.

"Who cares about that old man?! I am me! Not just some old man's grandson! LAXUS!" He roared, rippling lightning out of control through the cathedral.

Countless small electric bolts sprung through the open church, hurling at all of them. Gajeel quickly stumbled over his feet, picking up his weak body and threw himself in front of Levy to protect her. He held his arms out behind him, pressing his hands against the wall she was leaning on, to shield her body with his. Levy stared out in shock, not fully realizing the situation they were in. She froze and her heart began beating rapidly, as she stared at his muscular arms that barely grabbed at her waist.

*Thump* *Thump* *Thump*

Her hazel eyes glistened at him as he let go of the wall, weak as he was he fell to his knees, catching himself before he could hit the ground.

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