Chapter 8 - Perfection

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Dan's POV

After school, I immediately texted Phil when I got home. Emma didn't prod at me about my secrets on our walk home. She did, however, fix my crown for the third time today. I threw my things down in my room and sat on my bed.

'Hiii :3' I sent Phil.

'Hey :)'

'So where should we go tomorrow night?'

After a delayed amount of time, Phil finally texted back. 'Actually I was wondering if you'd like to come over my place'

'Really? Sure!'

'My mum is going to be out. We'll be alone if that's ok'

I was a bit hesitant. Phil and a few others who knew him were notoriously known for being "hit it and quit it" types. I didn't want to do anything like that with him upon just beginning to go out with him.

'Idk I don't really want to DO anything if you know what I mean...' I sent, hoping he got my point.

It took a few minutes, but his response was 'Dan, I'm not inviting you over to have sex with you. I know you know that that's what I used to do to girls often but I swear to you that I've matured and don't want that anymore. I want to be better than that. I would never pressure you into that. Even if you wanted to, I would still say no bc we've only just really met each other and I no longer feel right about that. Ok? I promise I'm not trying to just get into your pants, please believe me.'

I decided it would be fair to give him a chance. 'Ok then :3 I'm sorry I accused you'

'I understand... I was pretty shitty'

'If you're willing to be better then that's what matters'


Often when we would text, Phil would say cute, random things to me. He was quiet today, not saying as much. 'Phil? Are you ok?'

'Yeah why wouldn't I be?'

'You seem quiet. Did something happen?'

'My friend was just being a jerk earlier no big deal'

':( tell me about it?'

'We used to be friends but we kind of hate each other now'

'That's sad'

'Yeah but don't worry about it :)'

I wanted to say something a bit more consoling to him, but I wasn't sure what to say. He eventually text me again.


'For what?'

'Asking and caring. Not many people do that for me you know'

'I do care about you :3'

'I care about you too'

'I know our next date will be better than the first <3'

'It's going to be hard to beat since that was the best date ever'




'So, we're dating, I get that. But what exactly are we...?' I didn't know to call us official or not, so I asked.

'Do you want me to be considered your boyfriend?'

'...Yes, I do'

'Then ok, we're officially boyfriends x3'

I smiled. He was mine. I was his. 'I'm honestly smiling rn you make me happy it's weird'

He sent a selfie. In it, he really was smiling cutely. He looked attractive – his natural black hair dark in contrast with the blue, and even more so with his bright blue eyes.

'You're so cute :3'

'Shut up, you're cuter'

It went on like that for some time. Whatever rut he was in, he seemed much happier from it.

I guess Emma would be right now. I did have a secret boyfriend. And I really, really, cared for him.

Phil's POV

I didn't understand. I felt so giddy talking to him. I had learned so much about him. I just wanted to be near him.

I thought about him. His eyes, his smile, his laugh, his flower crown.... It bothered me how much I thought about him. I never thought about any girlfriend – even the more serious ones – like I did about Dan. Was it because he was different? He was my only boyfriend. Maybe my mind treated that differently.

Excuses.... I knew what I felt....

I took the time to redo my hair dye. Dan seemed to like it. Once finished with a new coat of bright blue, I took a selfie and sent it to him. 'Do you like it?'

'It looks amazing <3'

He sent me a selfie too. He had that crown and his usual pastel coloured sweater. Does a person get more perfect than him?

I felt motivated to clean to my room and look a bit more presentable. I had a boyfriend now. Somehow I felt like a young girl who found out her crush liked her back. I had a reason to be better. I didn't want anything more than to talk to him. I wanted to hear his sweet voice. I called him.

"Hello? Phil?"

"I-I just wanted to talk with you," I stuttered. "I wanted to hear your voice."

"Aww, that's so sweet Phil."

We talked for hours. He told me about him – about how he's an only child but his parents are completely fine with him being gay, which is a reason he is so comfortable and proud. He told me his favourite candy is Malteasers. He told me about Emma, who had apparently been his best friend since before they even began school. "We're like cousins but we're like siblings too," he said. All I wanted was to listen to him.

After a long, sweet chat about him, he paused. "Well," he said, "that's everything about me I guess. Tell me about you!"

I was about to, but I stopped myself. "I'd rather tell you some things in person."

"Oh, I understand!"

But still, we talked and talked and continued to talk.

Dan for me was no longer a crush or an experiment. He was so much more. He was perfect.

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