Chapter 2

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After I entered the forest I begun to track footprints. Ten minutes have passed and I found the footprints of a giant bunny. It looks like a normal bunny but it's ten times bigger and it eats meat not vegetables.

It's noon. I am so angry that I didn't realize sooner that the bunny was running for his life. Behind the bunny's footsteps there were wolf's. I sat down in the shadows of the trees and ate my lunch. Before my eyes I had a nice view on the landscape. I saw something sparkling on the opposite side from where I sat. It was a arrow pointing out at me. Right now I shouldn't look like any animal. I saw the eyes of that person. It weren't the eyes of an animal hunter, there were the eyes of ...
"Tam taram ta" The sound of the trumpet brought me back to the reality. There shouldn't be many people around at this time of year. I panicked. Slowly and carefully I took my belongings as if I haven't saw the arrow or heard the sound of hunters. After I was save behind the tree I cast a spell. "Imas vtak" I turned in to a small white green bird. Making magic is awesome. It feels like you are touching water and wind at the same time. I look down and I saw the arrow at the place I was few seconds ago. Now I saw that the hunter had a companion with him. His companion had green eyes, brown hair and he was higher than the hunter he could be few years older than me.
"You fool." said the companion. "It wasn't even a animal. How could that be a girl."
"I swear my Lord I saw a girl few minutes ago." said the hunter with a scared voice. They wet in the direction where the sound came from. I began to follow them to see what is happening.

Lord Adrian is angry. Lord Adrian was a prince before The cruel Usob, leader of Mytoraymi a gruop of humans and magical creatures who weren't happy with the way the world was, took the throne and killed his parents King Mino and Queen Amalda.  The order from King Usob to imprison every girl in the land and every unusual will be needed to brought to the king made him angry and I made him angrier he thinks that I tried to lie to him about seeing a girl. Every person who wanted to save his life and family gave his wife or daughter to the guard. Now we just go in the forest to see if we can find the girls who escaped. We stopped in front of our group. Lord Adrian's friend Erik said:" Welcome back prince! We managed to capture a village girl. We put her on your servant's horse." I hated him so much. He always make my Lord even angrier than he was.
"Don't call me prince Erik and Rasun isn't my servant."
"Come-on if he isn't your servant than why is he calling you Lord?"
"I don't know! Ask him not me!" said Lord Adrian
" Please Sir Erik stop this if Lord Adrian doesn't want me acknowledge me as his servant it doesn't matter to me." After I said that he stopped and became serious.
"So why did you call us?" asked my Lord.
"Ah the annoying bird." said Sir Erik "I just got the idea to go home. Tomorrow we'll get a new oder from the king." said Sir Erik whit a smile still trying to stop the pretty green bird from attacking his hand. Everyone knew that it's hard to disobey King Usob. If you even dare to disobey he'll torture you and then kill you.

After I saw the girl and  heard the conversation I knew I could no longer stay in the forest. I needed to go home and tell the sisters about the girl hunting. I never saw a male creature. When I was younger I tried to find out how did a male person look like but the after I tried to Olivia came to me and said 'Now isn't the right time to see a person of the opposite sex. Now we are having a customer here so go up stairs we'll explain later.' After that they said to me that the customers come and go leaving money for them to buy things in the city but the one condition was that I muss never go to see them when they are here. Of course when I was small I never was in a town or city because when I did after some time I would return without a explanation how I did it. It's been 9 years after I last tried to go to a town. Maybe this year I will be able to go and stay in a town.

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