Chapter 6

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It is midnight. Today is the the day Adrian's magic power is weakening. Yesterday I was invited to drink tea with that Lord Adrien. I used that opportunity to search my weapons and I saw a big library. It was so awesome. It's a pity that I haven't time to read them. I saw my weapons in the room next to the library. I found of that the guard is more intense today. If I use my magic nobody would even know because my hair is hidden under the wig. So the change of my hair color would not to be found out. "Hifi zamok" I unlock the door with a spell. I heard the guard change their shifts. I better get going. I quietly took my belongings and jump from the window. Just now I realize that I was on the 3rd floor. I climb on the nearest tree I see. I need to be careful. There are many guards down there. I was there for a week so I know where some of the solders should be. At the entrance there should be six or seven guardsman. So it's best if I escape from the side of the fence. Jumping from tree to tree to get to the fence I saw some guardsman running and informing the others "A brown haired guy named Rin 165cm high escaped. He shouldn't be far from here if he even managed to find the way out." Dammit they are quicker than I expected. Lucky I was at the fence. Even so I needed to hurry because I don't know this place and it isn't even near the some forest. I jumped down and began to run. My head felt lighter than it was. My wig felt down! I didn't care about it now. The most important thing right now is to escape. The men stop to follow me but I bet that they are just waiting for new forces. I've been running like that for some time until I have reached one forest. I climb on some tree to rest. I have been running all night. I'll sleep a little bit.

Yamato the captain of the guard group number 3 said that his men saw Rin for a moment and after that they followed him but they could keep up. One thing was bugging me. The men say that they saw long blue hair not brown. I went to the place they said he escaped, there I found a wig. That was the exact same as the Rin's hair. Why would he need a wig. Even if the hair was different color he wouldn't have a reason to hide it and Lord Adrian surly didn't see any evil or bad intentions. I tell this to Lord Adrien later when he wakes up. He need to gain his full power.

"Aw." that was good nap. I wake up on the tree. So now when I look around I see that the forest I am in is actually the Black Forest. I am so happy that I am there. I should have never left my forest. I was never so far from the center of the forest. Even when I wanted to rest a little bit more, I wanted to be home as soon as I could. When I arrived at the front door of my house something was odd. When I opened the door there wasn't a fire in the middle of the room. What I immediately saw were a letter, a blanket and a small blue diamond.

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