Chapter 12

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After we stepped in I shut my eyes. The light was too bright. We were in a office. I bet it's Nicho's. There was a guy sitting behind the table.
"Good morning Alpha Nicho." he said smiling.
"Mivo. How many times do I need to tell you to not call me Alpha?" Nicho said. I could hear anger and amusement in his voice.
"I am sorry. I am just used to call the head of a group alpha." Mivo looked at me and grind. "What a beauty. What's her name Alpha? And why are you here? Did something happened?" He was doing some paper work like Nicho. On the table there was a lot smaller amount of paper than on Nicho's table in the tent.
"Mivo, there is no need to panic. I came here to find some information about a person called Minyo. And the girl behind me is called Nichirin." I waved at him with a small smile. He nodded to me.

We went outside the house and were on our way to Nicho's parents' house. I felt the strong barrier against the any danger outside the Zaniva's territory. Nicho knocked on the front door. A woman in her 40s or 50s opened the door. She smiled.

"Nicho welcome back." Then she looked at me. It's like today every one is looking at me. It's uncomfortable.
"Did you decide to stop your relationship with Chango?" She smiled to me as if she was saying that I am Nicho's new girlfriend.
"How many times do I have to tell you MOM that I love Chango and nothing, not even his past is gonna change that. We argued about this once. I am not planning to argue about that again. So please, could you tell me father is?" Nicho said. I felt that he was bearley controlling his emotions.
"Fine. He is in the office doing his part of the leader job." Nicho's mother said. I was quite confused. Didn't Nicho said that he was the leader?

We are going to the office witch is on the top of this house. I ask him about that leader thing. An then he answered with this monologue: "Well my father got an injury when I was 15 years old. The doctors said that he would never be able to stand and go again. So that's when I became the leader if Zaniva. But the rules of the kingdoms says that a leader can be a person older than 21 years. So we talked with the kings and queens of this lands and they decided that I could be a leader just if my father would help me with a half of the whole leader job."

We came to a door. Nicho didn't even bother to knock. He came in.
"Hi father." he said. I could hear the happiness in his voice. The office look like the Nicho's. Behind the table was a older man. He had three wrinkles on both sides of his eyes. Nicho didn't have his father's eyes. Nicho's father was shorter than his son. He had ocean blue eyes. They had the same hair color.
"Oh. Welcome home my son." he said that. He looked over to me with a shock expression.
"Hello my child. What's your name? You can call me Iretho. I am Nicho's father." When he said child I was surprised. No one has ever called me like that.
"I am Nichirin." I said. Iretho just nodded.
"So Nicho what brought you back home from your trip with Zaniva?" Iretho asked. Still looking at me. He was thinking about something. In this were many books that I could not read because the letters were unknown by me.
"I and Nichirin came to ask you about Minyo. I am sure I have heard that name somewhere." Nicho said and sat down in the nearest chair. I did the same thing.
"Of course you have heard the name. Minyo is the famous hybrid."
"What kind of hybrid is he?" Nicho asked curios.
"Well he is a hybrid of every magical creature." I know that Nicho wanted to ask something but I did it before he could even open his mouth.
"Do you know where he can be?" If I could find out where he currently is I could use a teleportation spell to get there. I know that in the map that the three sisters gave me was a Minyo's location. But the map was pretty old. So I could not trust it.
"From what I have heard he should be near the city Tubci." Iretho pointed at the map. It was like my map said. It was extremely near the Sun city. But not in the north like the my map said but in the east.
"Did he always live there?" I asked.
"No dear." Iretho said. I am glad I met Zaniva.
"Thank you for your time. I think we should be going." I said. Now when I have the needed information I can go on my journey.
"Nichirin, please go to the kitchen and wait me there. I will be back in a moment. I need to consult something with my father."
"Sure." I went from the room and went to the kitchen.

In the kitchen there was Nicho's mother. She said that I should call her Bagin. She made me some tea. Nicho had her eyes and nose. Her hair was orange and curly. It was so long and beautiful.
"I am sorry about earlier." She said. Her sadness was all over her face.
"I don't mind." I said and tried to cheer her up.
"You know. I would like to have some grandchildren, but if Nicho likes Chango he will never ever look for a girl he could fall in love." I would say that everything would be fine but I don't like to give people false hope. After Bagin said the sentence Nicho came in. He was angry. Very angry. He wasn't even trying to hide his anger.
"Mother you have an another son. You can ask him for a grandchild. Come Nichirin. We are going back in the tent." He said leaving no space to argue. I didn't have time to say good bye to Bagin. I didn't even drank my tea.


Thank you for reading my story. It makes me happy to know that someone is reading my story. Thank you. ^-^

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