Chapter 5

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I and Rin are heading to Lord Adrian's mansion. I talked most of the time. I'd like to know more about Rin. He is kinda weird. He doesn't know a thing about the kingdom he is living in. I wonder what kind of creature is he. "What kind of creature are you? Lord Adrian is an elf and I am a human. I don't possess any magical power."
"To tell the truth I don't know. I was found in front of my house by someone and even that person couldn't tell who I was. One thing was bugging me for a while." He said that but I figured that he doesn't want to tell his past.
"Why are you staying with that Lord Adrian  when so many people are scared of him?"Rin asked with a sad but serious face. He wasn't stupid at all.
"He saved me when I was smaller." After that I asked him what does he know about the history.
"I know that before the war humans and other magical creatures lived separated in their own kingdoms and that there was a kingdom filled with darkness because the king and queen were full of hated and sadness...." And so we talked about various thinks until we arrive at the mansion . I notice one thing. Rin became nervous when left the Black Forest.

We arrived at the mansion. It look like a small castle. When we opened the door someone rush out he flew past Rasun and came to me. He immediately stared to ask me questions "Who are you? What is your purpose here? What are you doing here?"
Rasun came here saying: "My Lord please he is hurt I brought him here to treat his wound."
He looked at me surprised. After that he more an ease than he was before.
"Are you a girl or a boy?" He asked with a confused expression.
"I. AM. A. GUY." While saying that I tried to act like tougher than I was. I was about to faint, but I cannot do that because then it would be easier to find out that I am female.
"My Lord could we go inside he is about to faint from the lost of blood." said Rasun worried. Adrian looked at my face for a while and then he took me in a room saying that they will be back soon. Before he went out the room he carefully took the arrow from my shoulder. I decided that after I'll fully recovered I'll escape from here.

Lord Adrian said that I should go an make tea and after that I should go to his office. I am kinda scared. I knocked on the door. "Come in!"said Lord Adrian.
"I brought the tea you asked for." I said quietly.
"So who is he?" asked Lord. He is troubled.
"He is Rin. I shoot an arrow in his arm because I thought he was a girl. He lives in the Black Forest and it looks like he never went outside the forest." I should never shoot him and last month I did the same mistake I am beginning to think that I see just imaginary girls.
"Do you know for sure he is a guy?" I am surprised he doubt that Rin is a guy.
"No, I don't. I am not sure he looks to much like a girl to be sure."
"I will tread his wound but you muss find out his real gender." he turned around.
"Yes my Lord." I said and I bow down. 'Why does he need to know his true gender?' I thought. But when I went out the room I saw his ears red. He has fallen for Rin. I am curios if that engagement is broken yet. Rin is a nice guy indeed. Lord Adrian's power is to know peoples' real intentions. I'll bring Rin a cup of tea. I wonder what kind of tea does he like.

That Adrian guy said that I should take of my shirt in order to easier tread the wound. I didn't want to naturally. He said that he would than need to cut the shirt. I agreed. The wound wasn't serious as I thought it was. Adrian said that it will heal quickly. I feel like a prisoner. He locks me in the room. He is good at magic so I cannot fool him whit my illusion magic. Tomorrow is the 10th day he is using his magic non-stop. I figured that at that time he must rest to gain his magic back. That day I'll escape.

NichirinOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora