Chapter 4

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Month after the incident

After I said about the hunting Agata and Kamiso didn't let me go out. I don't know the reason why are they acting like that. Today the sisters went somewhere and they forgot to cast a barrier to stop me for going out. I used the time I was forced to stay in the house to make a wig and boys clothes. I made the wig like Adrian's hair because it was easy to remember. Wearing trousers is way more comfortable than a dress. So I went in the forest looking like a boy. I took all the hunting equipment. This time I sworn to myself that I would be more careful. I could sense many people in the Black Forest. I go in the forest to hunt because last month I could even hunt properly because the news that I had to  report immediately. In the forest I immediately started to track footprints. This time there were just human footsteps. The forest looked and sounded like there weren't any animals at all. While I was distracted a arrow hit me in the shoulder. I fallen on my knees. I quickly stood up and begun to run. It was a little impossible because my shoulder hurt like hell. The archer catch up very fast. I turned my face to see who has captured me. It was the hunter from last time.
"Oh you are a guy. I thought you were a girl. I am sorry. Any way what were you doing in the forest?" said Rasun the hunter.
"I went hunting something to eat." I said as calmly as I could.
"Hunting? Did you not heard? King Usob ordered to capture every girl two months ago and because he wasn't satisfied with the number of girl being captured last week he ordered that every male in his kingdom muss at least bring one captured girl within two weeks or he will be executed." said Rasun whit a sad face. I was shocked. How could someone be so cruel to them. I needed to know much more than this. "I live near here but I haven't heard about something like that. But why does he need to capture the girls?" I said looking in Rasun's eyes.
"I don't know, but people say that he is searching for his long lost daughter. I doubt that because he hasn't even has a wife." Rasun said the last sentence very quiet. As if he was scared that the Usob would hear him.
" Come we need to treat your wound, .... ,eh I forgot to introduce myself. My name is Rasunius but everyone calls me just Rasun," he said with a friendly voice. He wasn't a bad guy.
"Nice to meet you Rasun my name is..., eh... Rin." I said with a nervous voice. I forgot that my name shouldn't be know either.
"Rin? A very unusual name. Ok that doesn't matter now. We are going to go to Lord Adrian's mansion. Do you mind?" he asked.
"No, I don't mind, but why do you ask?" He looked at me surprised. "You don't know?" he was even more surprised. I didn't know what to do so I said "No?" After that he begun to walk out of the forest and said "Lord Adrien was a prince. That was before his parents were killed and King Usob took over the throne. Now most of the people are afraid of him because King Usob said that everyone who would help him try to get the throne back will be killed." Rasun said that with a sad expression.
I'd like to ask him if he isn't afraid but I hadn't the courage to ask him.

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