#12 (12th July)

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Saturday 12th July

Connie was doing her usual work but with a giant bump as she was due in two weeks. When she felt the baby kick harder more and more now than ever and now more usual and went to put her hand her tummy and felt the baby kick again. She stood up and went to find Jacob when she moaned and she was leaning on the nurse's station when Lily came running over.

"Are you OK Connie? Is it the baby? Should I go get Jacob from resus?" Lily said eagerly.

"Yes, I'm fine and the baby is too and yes would you get Jacob for me I was going myself."Connie said while doing her breathing exercises her and Jacob had been practising.

Lily went over to resus and got Jacob quickly and he came running out and ran to Connie's aid and he held her hand while he helped her back to her office. She opened the door and went to sit down on the settee when she felt a twinge and held Jacob's hand harder, when he noticed that he held her back and helped her up so she could keeping moving as she couldn't sit still.

"Come on, Connie you need to go to Maternity." Said Jacob as he thought Connie was in labor.

"It'll past, Jacob it's probably just braxton hicks." Connie said calmly while moving hip to hip in a circlur motion.

"No, where going whether you like it or not Connie, you're in labour and you need to go and get examined, so your coming with me now so sit there while I tell Zoe and Charlie. " Jacob said while taking charge and control.

"OK, ow, ow, ow!" Connie exclaimed as she went into more progessive pain.

"Connie, Connie, it's OK come on." Jacob said while being calm and collective and called for Max to bring over a wheelchair.

"I'm not geting in that, I can walk. " Connie said while rubbed her back and stomach.

As Connie and Jacob walked to Maternity slowly one step at a time, and as Connie's waters broke Jacob made her sit in the wheelchair he had bought with him just in case she couldn't walk as she was in agony, he rushed Connie into maternity and Mr.T was there waiting for them.

Connie was 10cm dilated and the contractions were coming thick and fast and with Connie being akward Jacob helped her through the contractions and got her onto the bed where Mr.T took over and delivered the newborn and handed the little girl to Connie.

"Today was so scary" Connie said while holding her and Jacob's newly born daughter.

"Yeah it was but now she's here no more carrying her anymore." Jacob said kissing Connie forehead as he was sat at the bed with Connie.

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