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Connie went with Grace and Katrina to see Jacob's sister Poppy and his niece Jessie which they'd meet before twice now when Connie wasn't pregnant and again before and after Jac accident. Poppy and her husband John had just moved to Holby and they thought that they woukd go see how they're doing with the moving and everything. Jacob and Connie were finally happy and decided to live life to the full and make the most of every minute after the accident with Jac and her nearly having her baby now so it Connie was helping help out now she decided to go on maternity leave because she wanted to spend time with Emma and Harry before the baby arrives and set up everything she needs for when the baby comes which wasn't very long a matter of weeks. Connie and Katrina-Leyla decided to go to Jac's and knocked on the door and Harry answered the door and told her "Stepie Mommy's hurt!" Harry said to Connie and Connie put the pram in the living room and rushed to Jac in the kitchen and was worried that she had gone into labour but Jac was over the sink in pain and Connie rubbed Jac's back when Jac began to speak "It's okay, I'm not in labour Con, I just cut my hand!" Connie was happy that she wasn't in Labour Jac was sacred as it was and with Joseph in New York for a couple more days made her even more anxious and so Connie made her calm down and looked at her hand and bandaged it up when Harry ran in and hugged Jac saying "Love you Stepie Mom!!" And that made Connie and Jac both smile and acinnie went back in the living room to check on the baby and Emma was stood by the pram rubbing Katrina-Leyla's hand that made some tears run down Jac face and Connie knew it was to do with emotions running high and hormones and everything to do with the any and Emma being so kind and caring.

9 weeks later...

Jac and Connie had how for a coffee with their new born daughters Connie's daughter, Katrina-Leyla being 12 weeks old and Jac's daughter, April being 6 weeks old and the two friends as ever ordered two large Lattes and began talking about motherhood and children while Joseph and Jacob both came down from the wards they were working on and the two men took they wife or fiancé home and that's how the story goes...

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