Chapter 3: A quick refreshment.

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(just so you know she isn't at the facility in the Himalayas, she is in a different compound. Hisani's outfit is up top.)

I walked down a path to the South to get to the cafeteria. It isn't so much a cafeteria as it is a courtyard with long picnic tables. I however didn't socialize with the rest of my class very much. I enjoyed working alone more. If I ever needed a sparring partner I would ask Troy who is the second in my class. My class is the fifth regiment in this compound. It is made up of younger teens from 12-18 I am 15 as is Troy, and Damian. (I am making him 15 not 10.) I have been here since I was two. Stolen from my parents apartment to serve as a soldier for Ra's Al Ghul. I have often dreamed of what my mother was like but the only example I had of a mother is Talia. She is the only full grown woman that I have met. I have never left this compound I am forced to stay here and become stronger until I turn 18. When I am 18 I hope to serve with the elite group of assassins like Slade Wilson, and Ubu. I hope to achieve this title because I will be more independent from the league, responsible for myself and most importantly I will be able to see my mother. I have no intention of staying with the league At any given chance I would gladly escape and run away. However they have made that nearly impossible by isolating me from society. But I have a different chance. And that is what the tournament is. The strongest will have the chance to leave and see their family. The people in the tournament consists solely of girls. Me and a few others who were stolen from our families.

I walked through a large gateway that lead into the cafeteria. I could smell the same meal as always. Roasted lamb with rice. I stood in the line and waited for my food a servant gave me my portion. About a handful of rice and a piece of meat slightly smaller than the size of my foot. I sat by myself at the end of a table. took my canteen off of my belt and took a quick sip of the cold water. I stared blankly at my piece of meat. I took a slight observation that the meat was still undercooked and was slightly pink in the center. I ignored this and bit a chunk off of the bone and swallowed. Food was food it didn't matter the color to me. I bit off another chunk of meat and swallowed this as well and reached for my canteen as someone sat next to me. I turned my head to my left where the person sat. It was a twelve year old girl. I believe that her name was Alice. I had heard that I was her role model and that she watched me train for hours trying to pick up on my movements. She looked hungrily at my food. Being that she was younger she got even smaller portions than I did. Sighing I pushed my plate over to her, clipped my canteen onto my belt and walked away. I could hear all of the conversations in the cafeteria. My senses were highly tuned I often liked to hear these conversations as they contained the newest bits of gossip. I walked to the tree in the center of the courtyard and climbed up. Wrapping my legs around the thickest branch I took my sword off my back and began to sharpen it. While doing so I listened in on the newest happenings around the compound.

"I heard that Hisani lost a spar." A girl whispered. I scoffed at this.

"No that is not what happened at all!" retorted a younger boy. "I heard she laid a beating on Damian and got punished for it." he said.

"It would be nice if she lost once in awhile her self esteem is way to high." said one of the older girls. I recognized her voice it was Monica she was 17 and thought she was rightfully the best . She was being transferred to a different regiment in 4 months.

Everyone hushed down. It was never this quiet in the cafeteria. I stopped sharpening my sword and peaked through the leaves of the old tree to see why. It was Talia and her son. She walked in and saw she had everyone's attention.

"I am certain that all of you have heard the news of the tournament beginning tomorrow." she said looking at us. "this information is false, the tournament will start in 2 hours. The participants will be Monica 17 years, Alice 12 years, Sophia 14 years, Abegail 16 years, Hisani 15 years, and Wendy 13 years." she finished.

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