Chapter 28: The War, part 2

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My ears rang out. I couldn't even stand. It was if the pain had an imaginary hand pushing to the ground. It felt like my world was spinning but I tried my hardest to fight against it. I barely managed to rise, and even then I wobbled unsteadily. It felt like thousands of pounds of pressure had been dumped on me. I wanted to scream, but I would never give him that satisfaction. I locked my eyes onto his spinning form. He offered me his hand and said.

"Join me. Join Kobra, and you will have your freedom. Everything you have ever wanted can be granted. If you accept my offer you can leave. We will bring you to your parents,and we will show you the outside world." He said helping me stand up.

I wobbled unsteadily. I considered his offer for a moment. If I joined with him he could free me, and protect me from the league of assassins.

I closed my eyes deep in thought. But if I left now I would be abandoning my 'friends'. Abegail, Monica, Sophia, Alice, Wendy, Ivan, Troy, even Damian. I could leave them, not for my own purposes. I would remain here for my true family.

"Never." I managed to gasp out.

I thought I could see him narrow his eyes. I couldn't make out much besides the fact that he wasn't happy with my answer.

"Very well if that is your answer." He said letting go of me causing me to stumble backwards. "You can rot away with the rest of the league. Your loyalty betrays you." He said pulling out his long glistening katana.

I grimaced waiting for the pain of the blade entering my heart. But I felt nothing. I heard a long shout and a confused looking Kobra. I looked down and seen Ra's al Ghul at my feet. He had a katana sticking out from his stomach, and his eyes looked glazed over. I heard a scream from my left. It pierced through my ears even in my state. It was a scream of shock, and a scream of grief. I seen simple blurs by now and couldn't make out much but one shape knocking into another.

Damian's POV

I sliced through the tough scales of the snake soldier in front of me. They weren't just tough, they were fast as well. It darted to the side and lunged at me with it's jaws extended and poisonous fangs ready to dive into my flesh. I pulled out my second katana and together with my own katana I sliced up it's soft belly slicing it in half. It fell to the ground it's body still quivering and shaking before I seen the life drain from it's eyes light a candle that was snuffed out. I breathed heavily before turning around to see Kobra and Hisani. Hisani was on her knees clutching the sides of her head. Her mouth parted in a silent scream as she tried to fight against whatever had overcome her. I was to far away to help her. I had to try though. I sprinted as fast as I could though the massive crowd of people. Dodging my way through allies, and slicing my way through enemies. I narrowed my eyes. Kobra had that same sick smile of his face as he extended his hand to Hisani. He helped her to her feet and ranted a inaudible string of words. I didn't know what he was saying but he was helping her. Hisani would betray us would she? She had always seemed like an honorable person, and nothing I had seen from her seemed to suggest that she would turn her back on us. My thoughts were confirmed as he suddenly let go of her. She stumbled backwards slightly seeming disoriented. She wobbled trying to find her balanced and I seen three things at once in a split second. First, I seen small silver round disks placed on the temples of her head. Second, I seen Kobra pull out his katana. And lastly, much to my despair, I seen my grandfather jump in front of the katana right before it stabbed into Hisani's confused figure. Hisani look unsettled and confused like she had a basic idea of what happened, but she was so out of it that she just fell backwards falling right onto her butt. I let out a scream of anger and lunged for Kobra. The back of my mind was telling me that he wasn't actually dead, that he could just be brought back with the Lazarus pit. But then my mind screamed that Kobra deserved to die for killing my grandfather. I knocked into a shock Kobra bowling him from his feet, and sending him tumbling to the ground. While he was down I reached across to Hisani and grabbed the two metal disks from the side of her head.

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