chapter 12: Tournament challenge 3

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I fell asleep quickly under the tree.  But when I woke up I wasn't in a tree.  I awoke to a comfortable room on a cozy bed wrapped in a blanket.  

"Why did you bring me here?  I told you to leave me alone."  I said calmly but with a  hint of frustration.  

"I wasn't asking."  He replied blankly.

I turned around and looked him in the eye, "Don't sleep hard enough for you to carry me in here."  I replied raising an eyebrow at him.

He held up a syringe "I did what was necessary." 

"You sedated me?" I asked clearly upset.

"I wasn't going to let you sleep in a tree in the cold temperatures with no protection." he said.  

I took the blankets off of me and stood up.  I looked out the window.  It was 9:00 in the morning!  "You made me sleep in!"  I said even more frustrated.  

"The drug made you sleep for as long as your body needed, guess you were tired."  He said in a know it all tone.  I narrowed my eyes.

"I have things I need to do."  I said and walked towards the door.

He grabbed my hand and yanked me towards him.  "You aren't going to sleep in a tree again."  He said.

"I will do what I want to!"  I said I was getting angrier by the second.  

"Hisani you need shelter if you didn't the league wouldn't give you a room to stay in.  Give me your word you will not sleep in a tree."  He said letting go of my hand.

"I will not sleep in a tree." I said emptily.  I walked towards the door and went to turn the knob but it was locked.

"Damian!"  I yelled frustrated.  

I could feel that he was right behind and I could feel his breath on the back of my neck.

"Your word Hisani."  He whispered in my ear.

"I will not sleep in a tree you have my word."  I said turning around to face him.

He walked back to the bed and sat down on it.  

"Well are you going to unlock the door?"  I said waiting.

he looked at me with a confused face. "You aren't going out like that are you?"  He asked me puzzled.

I looked down at myself.  I was wearing Damian's cloths.  I sighed "Not like have anything else to wear."  I said.

He then had a surprised look.  He shrugged and threw me a key.  I caught it and unlocked the door.  I opened the door but before walking out I turned around.  "Thank you Damian."  I said and walked out.  

He gave me another shocked look.  I walked out of the room and into the daylight.  His shirt was a little big on me and his pants were slightly baggy.  But all in all they fit well.  

I continued my normal morning, showering and getting ready.  I then walked into the lunchroom later.  

"That's a different look for you Hisani."  Sophia said smiling at me.

"I borrowed them from a friend."  I said getting my food from the line.

"maybe that's why they look so familiar."  She said eyeing them.

I sat down at a table with Sophia and Alice joined us soon after.  "Hisani is borrowing someones look."  Sophia told Alice.

"Yes I noticed it does look familiar though."  Alice said staring at the shirt.  "Who let you borrow them?" 

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