Chapter 20: troops gather

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Waiting at the finish line was a long miserable time. The wind was cold, and the sweat and water on my skin cause me to be chilled. Damian had brought back many blankets, but it was stillnot enough to stop the wind cutting through the fabric likea knife. Damian's body heat was all that kept me warm right now. I was hungry as well so when a servant brought me food I was happier. Although now with food in my stomach and some warmth it became harder to stay awake. Every once in a while I could feel my eyelids slowly close in and no matter how hard I tried I couldn't keep them open. After half an hour of this I began to try to sleep with my eyes open. It didn't work. After yet another hour a could see Someone in the distance. It looked like... Wendy? So Alice did get passed. Wendy crossed the finish line crawling across it until she just collapsed on the ground.

"I can't feel my legs, or my arms." She coughed out.

A servant tried to help her stand up but was un able to because she couldn't stand straight. The servant was a young boy who was un able to move her because he had little muscle developed. He must have been born a slave, and then sold to Ra's recently because I had never seen him before. I stood up out of the warmth of the blankets and instantly regretted it as the cold wind wrapped around me. I picked Wendy up over my shoulder. When I got closer I could see that the boy did actually have very defined muscles, however he had cuts and bruises covering himself. Did they expect the injured to aid the injured? I brought Wendy back over to Damian and wrapped the blankets around her.

"What is your name?" I asked the little boy.

"I-I'm not supposed t-to talk to y-you guys." He said nevously.

The boy was wearing a thin cut off rag, and shorts that were to small. He was definatly was not approprietly dressed for the weather. He was shivering violently. I sent him a warm smile. I knelt down infront of him and put his small hand infront of mine.

"Don't worry you can talk to me, my name is Hisani." I smiled at him.

"I know who you are, you always bring food for the slaves." He said realizing who I was.

"My name is Ivan." The boy said.

"Hey quiet slave!" One of the guards shouted. The guard struck himacross the face.

"Know your place! You may not speak to anyone but your own kind!" The gurad spat at him.

The guard went to strike him again and the boy coward away. I didn't like it when others abused the slaves. They took their maual labor for granted. They don't realize that the slaves probably work as hard, if not harder, than us. I blocked the guards fist and shoved him off.

"This boy is under my protection if you strike him you strike me." I said glaring.

The guard glared back at me. "I amnot supposed to injure the participants in the challange but I guess they'll make an exception for you." The guard said drawing his sword smirking at me.

"I was the top of my class you don't stand a cha-" He was cut off by a swift round house kick to his jaw.

"You talk to much." I said when he collapsed to the ground.

"Lets get you something warm Ivan." I said walking back to Damian and Sophia with him.

I hooked Wendy up to the IV machine. And wrapped Ivan in a blanket. I examine Ivan more throughly now. His build was strong and very muscular for a kid his age, most likely from working his entire life. He had strong defined features which was uncommon among the slaves. He had black hair, and cold blue eyes that stared right into your soul. He didn't seem like an ordinary kid.

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