Chapter 32: The son of batman prep.

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It was over and things were starting to settle down. The reconstruction of the compound took nearly a week. And within that week nothing was the same. Everyone in Ra's army had been devastated by physical injury, mental shock from the violence, or the death of a friend or loved one. And in some cases all of them together. Hisani showed a strength I had never seen before. Her best friend and the closest thing to a sister had been killed. Her trust betrayed. Put to the limit of physical pain. And just recently had been given one of the largest responsibilities in the league.

After the week of reconstruction came a long brutal month of reclamation. We had to journey to each of the different compounds that had been stolen by Kobra. I was put in charge of a group of people that was the 'secret ops' team. We went into the compounds first and got the formatting for the compound a number of people in the compound and reported back to Ra's. Hisani was next. She didn't have a squad it was just her. She would infiltrate the compound working her way through silently killing all of the men present. She was scary good at it. We couldn't spare the man power to send in a squad so we sent her in solo. In total we only had 40 men to spare from guarding our compounds, we were very short handed. We were at the last compound that we had to take back. The Himalayas. A squad of new recruits had recently departed from their home countries and were to meet us here in three days. And today was the day that we took back the last compound. Over the weeks that we had spent invading other compounds grandfather had turned Hisani into his merciless killing machine. Even after slaughtering scores of men she still showed no signs of remorse. She hid her demons behind walls and rarely showed them to anyone. Besides Sophia and myself I don't think she really hung out with anyone else. Alice's death made her push everyone out like she didn't want to get close to anyone. However, there was a select few that she would 'communicate with'.

I led my squad in quietly searching every corner before entering. Sneaking was a second nature to me, but I had to make sure that my men were also being as careful. Not long after we entered the building were we able to discover at least 50 men inside the building. 10 woman, and two children. This would be challenging but I knew from experience to never doubt Hisani.

And I was proven right. Hisani finished the raid in record timing. not even 20 minutes after she entered she returned. Covered in blood mostly others. It seemed to me like she had taken quite a hit in this raid. Behind her were the two children. The one held her hand and the other trailed behind her.

"You okay?" I said noticing a few burn marks on her body, and some bad black ash streaks.

"Yeah." She said quietly.

I gently brushed my finger on the burn on her hip.

"Grenade launcher." She said passively.

I wasn't buying it. It had to hurt more than she was letting on.

"Don't worry about." She said softly grabbing my hand away from the wound.

"I'll help you with that later," I said walking with her down the halls.

I knew grandfather would want to see her. He always does after raids. She squeezed my hand lightly and I lead her down the halls of our new compound. The cleanup crews were already clearing the bodies from the halls and cleaning the blood. Hisani covered the girl's eyes as we walked past the haunting halls. Ra's was sitting waiting for us on the balcony.

"Nicely done. You have once again exceeded my expectations." He began.

The two girls stepped out from behind me. Ra's watched the two girls surprised.

"These are the children a reported earlier," Damian said softly brushing the younger girls hair. She was blonde and looked to be only 2 years old. The other was a brunette, she was taller and looked to more around 4 or 5.

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