Chapter 22: Return

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Sorry for the long wait guys!  This chapter deleted itself three times!  I hope you guys enjoy!

There was no way for me to get out of the cell by picking locks.  I decided that the best way to get out would be something I had read once.  It was risky to try being that I could hardly move but I had to try everything.  I used my blade to hack off one of the metal legs of the bed.  It was nearly impossible as I had no strength left in my hands.  I finally managed to get it off.  I then ripped the cloths off of the guard I had killed.  I got them wet in the snow from outside.  Wet cloth is stronger than Iron, and is very hard to rip. I took the iron bar and the wet cloth in my hands.  I twisted the wet cloth around the iron pipe, and wrapped it around two prison bars.  I used the iron pipe like a lever twisting the wet cloth to bend the prison bars together.  It was extremely difficult as the bars wouldn't bend without an adequate amount of force.  I could hardly twist the pipe at all and it got harder and harder with every turn.  Soon I couldn't twist it any longer.  The bar had bent far enough for me to fit through.  I barely managed to squeeze myself through it.  I had to pop some more joints out of place to be able to squeeze my way through it.  I fell through to the other side and landed roughly on the ground.  B the time I had gotten out onto the other side there were guards charging at me from both my right and left sides, they must have seen the dead guard from the far ends of the hallway.  I readied my small blade and prepared for a fight.  Due to my injuries my movements were slow, in fact, I shouldn't be able to move at all.  I dodged the sword of the first guard and in one quick motion (or as quickly as I could at this state)  I slit his throat.  I continued to dodge the blades of the other four guards, until I finally found an opening.  I slid underneath the next guard and used my small dagger to stab him in the back of the neck.  I proceeded to jump over the next guard and slice open his stomach.  The blade may have been small but it was sharp.  It was probably at most the length of my pointer finger, and just as wide.  I had one more guard left but before I could turn around to block his attack I was stabbed through the leg.  I paused for a moment before turning around and slitting his throat as well.  I put the small dagger back into the wound on my shoulder for the moment, before gently pulling out the sword in my leg.  I cringed as it slowly slide out of my leg.  It made a sickening sound when I finished pulling it out.  I wiped my blood off of it on the dead guards shirt.

After that incident I decided to avoid any contact with the guards.  I cautiously stalked around the halls.  I could find an exit as hard as I tried.  It was like a giant maze, and finding my way out was hard.  I turned around a right corner and came faced to face with the man who had tortured me.  The very same man who broke my fingers, and dumped boiling oil on my arm.  He reacted quicker than I grabbing me and throwing me against the wall.  The impact with the wall sent a sickening crack throughout my body. I had a hard time getting up as he slowly stomped his way across the room.

"Why are you still alive! You should be dead! I'll kill you myself!" He yelled loudly. I grabbed his had when he went to punch. I smashed his face into the wall behind me and stabbed my sword into his hand. He screamed at the pain of it.

I twisted the sword which made him scream louder. It was pleasant to hear him on the other side of torture.

I pressed the same two nerves on his neck and leg. He reacted with a loud cry of pain. His hands instantly shot up to his head and his eyes turned bloodshot. He shook violently and puked against the wall from the over abundance of pain.

"Where is the exit?" I whispered into his ear. "You see this pain will steadly increase every few minuets for 2 hours. Now if you tell me where the exit is I can make it stop, if you don't this will continue for that 2 hours until your head explodes."

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