Chapter 8: tournament challenge 2

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I finished my run and started to walk back to my room when I realized I had a ram on my back so I switched directions and started to head for the cafeteria. I arrived there shortly and put the ram on the floor by the entrance to the kitchen. The servants on the inside looked up at me shocked.

"You guys can have half." I stated before walking away.

I walked to my room and grabbed my towel. I set my gear on the floor and grabbed a spare change of cloths. After this I walked to the bathing area. I turned the knob and let the water run down. I finished my shower rather quickly and then went out to change into my cloths. I then walked back to my room with my towel in my hair drying it. I opened my door and sat on my bed. I untwisted the towel on my hand and hung it on the wall. I grabbed my canteen and drank the whole thing. I then went to the book shelf that was on my right and took out one of my favorite books. It was call an encyclopedia. I began reading from where I left off. It helped me understand what life was like outside of this compound. I had read encyclopedias a-j and was now on k. After I finished the encyclopedias the library informed me that they had brought new dictionary's. I read for almost an hour when I realized it was almost lunch. I put the book on the foot of my bed. I grabbed my sword and strapped it to my back. I then grabbed my pouch and strapped the to my waist. I walked to the cafeteria. On the walk there I remembered that I was supposed to eat with Damian today. Surely he understood that Abegail's fight was a set up. I concluded that he knew this and I continued walking towards the cafeteria. When I reached the doorway I seen a lot of ruckus. Apparently Troy had started a fight with someone about stealing his food. I decided to stay out of it I walked to the line and grabbed a plate. The servant gave me the usual rice and lamb and I walked towards my table. I sat down and was about to begin eating my food until I felt a hand on my shoulder. I turned around and seen Damian standing over me looking at my food.

"I hadn't taken you for the type to break promises." He said raising an eyebrow at me.

"I will break no promises today." I responded. I grabbed my plate and canteen and walked with him towards the door way. Troy was holding another boy by the collar of his shirt and paused right before he punched him. He lifted an eyebrow at me questioningly. I ignored this and continued on my walk with Damian. Once we were out of the cafeteria he stopped and turned to face me.

"Where would you like to go?" He asked.

"I know a place." I said and walked over to the wall. With my plate in one hand I ran up the side and flipped over the edge. He looked up at me and followed my lead. He ran up the side and landed on the wall. His landing was a little unsteady and he looked to be a little uneasy on his feet. I continued walking this time on the edge of the wall. I could see the whole compound from here but I still wanted to see more. I looked to my right and saw the tallest tower in the compound. It looked to be about 60 feet tall and when you stood on top of it there was an amazing view. I walked over to the door which opened up into the tower and I began to climb the round about stairs to the top. The climb up didn't take to long. When I reached the top of the stairway I turned to Damian to make sure he was behind me. I opened the door revealing the view of the entire compound and forest around it. The view was breathtaking and Damian stood staring at it.

"I was not informed that there was a door down there." He said looking at the scene with wide eyes.

"I have lived here for 13 years and never set foot of of this compounds territory, I discovered that door years ago when I was exploring the compound. This place was my only escape from everything else. Often times I would come up here to meditate or to read." I said. I walked over to the edge of the tower and dangled my legs over the side.

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