Chapter 25: The bandage

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Hisani's POV 

   Since I had been announced the winner of the challenges I had been training non-stop.  I had private lessons with scientists, pianists, businessmen, archers, swimmers, runners, basically anything under the moon.  Ra's was trying to make his most perfect soldier, and to do that he needed someone who could do everything.  The scientists I had been working with were astounded by my recent developments.  Everything that I had done so far had out weighed their expectations of me.  I learned some of the most complicated sciences ever developed by man.  Even nuclear theory was a simple topic,  and then the day came when they no longer considered me their student, but their equal. Together we discussed new theories, and different sciences.  We were working on the layout for a hover board that transferred oxygen and hydrogen particles in the air into fuel to keep the hover board running.  We realized soon enough that that theory was completely useless, and the only material that had enough power, and was small enough to fit into a board, was dwarf star.  But to get it you had to have enough money backing you.  However today I had a break and continued the training of my underlings. 

I knew that he was in the bushes the entire time.  I could smell him, and hear his breathing.  I could feel his breath as if he was right behind me.  He knew how refined my sense were yet continued to attempt spying on me?  After I dismissed my underlings, and they were completely out of earshot, I called him out.  I knew that he didn't intend to leave alone. He thought that he could order me around even.  He does know that I have become an even more refined swords women since the outcome of the challenges doesn't he?   

I had my back towards him when we spoke, I could feel his frustration and nervousness, I could hear his increased heart rate.  He knew he couldn't fight me and win, but still he insisted?

"Very well if that is how you want it so be it." he responded with a quick sigh.

"You realize the chances that you walk out of here alive are slim? Continue to stand their and you will leave me no choice." I said with contempt in my voice.  I wouldn't let him walk out easily, I couldn't kill him yet, but I would most certainly injure him.

I heard him draw his sword.

I responded by drawing out my swords as well.

"So be it."  I stated

He charged first. It was slow. With the lessons I had been taking it was as if he was moving in slow motion. My reflexes were fast before but they were even further refined as of now. This was the first real fight I had been in in awhile and my adrenaline was pumping. Was I excited? I never got this hyped for a fight. Maybe it was because I had been holding back against everyone else. I didn't have to hold back anymore, but still there was a part of me I wasn't ready to let loose. My mind snapped back to reality. Damian's sword was coming for my head. I ducked and did a summersault to the right right before I gave a sharp slice along his stomach. My sword was sharp and cut through his flesh like a butter knife. The wound had to be at least 6 inches long although it lacked depth. I dashed side to side with a gentle grace that was opposite to the fierce gaze in my eyes. I dodged oncoming attacks with a speed that was inhuman. This fight was unnecessary. The winner had been determined from the start. I stabbed a dagger into his right foot causing him to halt in place. His cry of pain caused me to snap back to reality.

"Hisani are you even listening to me?!" He shouted in pain.

I blinked my eyes confused, I must have totally spaced out. I stopped what I was doing, I was inches away from stabbing my dagger into his chest. I lowered my dagger scared of myself, I had the fullest intentions to let him walk out  alive but almost stabbed my dagger into his heart. He had a shocked look on his face. I hesitated for a second and that was all the time he needed. He pulled the dagger out of his foot and got back on his feet. He was ready. I wasn't. I knew that my face was emotionless, however I couldn't help but feel the slightest hinge of doubt pulling at the corners of my mouth. I was scared of me. He came at me again. I didn't have time to figure that all out, now I had to act fast. Damian lunged at me a barely managed to move my face out of the way in time, and it resulted in a mark on my cheekbone. I put my hand up on my cheek and felt the warm blood trickle down my hands.

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