Chapter 30: Intermission

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Hisani's POV

My mind went blank for roughly 15 minutes.  I was in so much pain that my mind literally shut down.  I couldn't control anything anymore.  My blood felt like it was running backwards.  My eyes were like large balls of fire burning in my sockets.  And the worst thing about it was the tension in my stomach.  My entire body felt like was being torn up from the inside.  I had never wanted to kill myself more than this moment.  I thrashed against my bondage's mindlessly trying to escape from them so I could end the pain.  But it was no use no matter what I tried I was securely locked into position on the bed.  I screeched out one last time before everything turned white around me and my mind stopped.

Damian's POV  

Grandfather sat next to Hisani and Mother sat next to me holding my right hand.  I felt like screaming for her but no sounds escaped my mouth.  In nearly a moment she let out a terrible loud piercing cry, and then she flat lined.  

I panicked at first almost ready to jump into action.  You were supposed to do CPR right?  I thought panicking to myself.  

"Wait!"  The doctor said.  "This happens to all the patients just wait a second."  She finished, pulling out a defibrillator.  

I felt like my own heart was about to stop at this.  The doctor ripped open Hisani's shirt exposing her bare skin for the defibrillator.  

"Clear!"  My mom called after she detached the transfusion that hooked us together.  The doctor shocked her and her whole body shook off the bed with the shock.  Almost right after the shock she sprung up from the bed.  Then I had the thought, if the cure killed the infected blood where did it all go?  My question was answered when Hisani puked up a flow of black diseased blood cells.  The doctor had handed her a bucket before, thankfully, for her to puke into.  Afterwards she coughed like crazy.  She coughed up tons of blood.  It just made me wonder how much blood I had given her.  She fell back onto the bed exhausted coughing randomly.  She closed her sunken in eyes slowly and opened them again.  

She looked right at me.  Her now normal green eyes pierced right through me.  I felt relief flood over me as I flopped back onto my bed exhausted as well.  

"If you ever scare me like that again I'll kill you myself."  I said jokingly sighing with relief.

I seen Hisani roll her eyes at this.  "Please stop, I'm so sick of jokes right now I could puke again."  She said seriously.

I smiled to myself.  She was back, and I was so grateful for that fact.  But now we had more important things to focus on.  

"My apologies for rushing you in your recovery Hisani,"  My grandfather started.  "But I'm afraid that we may require you assistance in the next stage of this war."  He finished.

I seen something flash in Hisani's eyes before she sat up on the bed.  "What can I do?"  She asked.

"We believe that Kobra has set up a base not far from here.  My intelligence forces tell me that he is creating more snake soldiers from the soldiers he has left."

"And how many would that be?"  She asked him raising an eyebrow.

"We are looking at the possibility of 50 more snake soldiers by dawn, and 100 regular soldiers."  Grandfather explained.

"50."  Hisani said casually.  

"I need to run a few tests, but I may have the solution to the problem."  Hisani said thoughtfully.

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