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Just taking precautions here...don't want to get reported like the Barber of Seville...so just in case you random wattpad people see this book and go "Waaaaa it's nottttt poetry >:("...YOU HAVE NO RIGHT!!!

ANNYYOONNEE can write a poem. So here is mine. It rhymes ofc ofc shhhhhh ITS BEAUTIFUL. So there.

You random people officially can't report me for being in the wrong category because if wattpad shows its face on here I will say "LOOK IS THIS NOT A POEM I THOUGHT EVERYONE CAN WRITE!"


Dear WattPAD.
I don't think you should report me.
That would be BAD.
My story is in the right category.
It's also very GOOD.
So leave it alone and let me write it
If you COULD.
I sweer, this is
The best poem on this SITE.
Better than your stupid
One's about your KITE.
So please don't report this story
It's poetry TOO.
Go read your stupid Fanfiction
And I won't bother YOU.
Leave this story alone.
I'm right and you're WRONG.
And while you're at it...
Get Warren to buy us a GONG.

Ross Lynch Turned into a NOTHINGWhere stories live. Discover now