Abby's Life in Prison: a Kybby Fanfiction

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Hey hey heeeyyyy!!! So not only did I kill you with such a suspenseful cliffhanger at the end of that chapter, but I made you wait like 8 months for the squeal and I also am putting it off because I owe Abby a fanfiction.

*Ms Celmer entertains you with a puppet show while I talk* *puppets are selling paper and alphabet soup to the audience*

SO anyway, Abby hope you happy with this, because you have to wait for Emma's squeal to be written before you get your own squeal. Soooooo wweeeeee bbbbeegggiinnnn

Once upon a galaxy far far away...there lived a girl named Abby. She was world-famous for writing and publishing her amazing book, Emilco. She was by far the best author ever, and was also a criminal for copyright infringement. So sadly, Abby and her publishing partner in crime, Tatitti went to jail.


"I sowwy Abby" JK Rowling say "Emilco is the best book ever ever ever and I would totally let you make money off of it and Idc about you stealing my characters because EMilco is totally awesome but the wizard cops won't let me bail you out"


Yessire, as much money as JK rowling had, Abby was just too expensive to bail out of jail, and she had to wait until Obama left office and Mr Salzer became president so he could pardon her.

However, one night her publishing partner in crime snuck out using her parkour skills. She jumped onto a chair and sprang 6000000 feet into the air towards the window. She was almost out! Abby cried because she could not jump so high.

"Sorry Abby" Tamis say "but I am Supreme Parkour Parkour and your only supreme is Supreme Pooper Scooper,"

"Noi!" Abby yell "help me help carry me to safety I will ride on your back and you can shove me through the window cmon I'm pretty light you said so yourself when you crashed into the wall at Justine's house,"

"No I sowwy Abby" I say v sadly, "but you think I can carry someone and jump 10000000099 feet into the air? Noway. I can barely open a window in Mrs Sepepepeppepe's class,"

Abby was v distraught and had to sit in jail with Justin Beiber and Michael Phelps.

"I DONT DESERVE THIS!" Abby yell to the security guard, Kodzi. Because who else could do like 7 full time jobs at once?

Kodzi shrugged, "Sorry Abby but rules are rules,"

Yeah right. And ofc the unlucky scapegoats always get blamed for stuff.

I. E. I am ALWAYS blamed for patting Tol cat on the head and scolded but no one sees her literally ripping hair from my head and growling at me and taking up my personal space and leaning on me and doing weird stuff with her nose that really freaks me out (aka Justine stop your nose feels like you're licking my arm *shudders*)

I. E. I am blamed for going under the curtain...

I. E. Abby blamed in this example for breaking the rules but no one put Jenna in jail for BREAKING THE CODE OF CONDUCT AND EATING FOOD IN THE HALLWAYS.

Luckily I eat food in the hallways too and I never get caught 😇😇😇😇😇

So anyway, Abby was very miserable one day because she was tired of Beiber being stupid and Phelps complaining about how fat the prison food will make him.

"Omg like Abby I eat like 6,000 calories a day but did you know that there are over one million calories in this cookie????"

Abby sighed because everyone in this prison was too brick-headed (no pun intended) for a prodigy like her.

"You mean cells. Duh"

"Wut?" Phelps spaz arms around "but but cells are calories right?"

"Great" Abby say. She was so bored because prison was too bland for a prodigy like her so she decided to trick people into doing weird stuff "Okay so if cells are calories then what about skin cells and muscle cells? Muscle cells are very long and you don't have over a bajillion of them so I'm sure it's fine if you become a cannibal"

"Aw YEEEAAAHHH!" Phelps said, whipping out a guitar and playing on it.

So while phelps was feasting down on Beiber, Abby decided to plot her escape. She phoned her BFF, Emma Petrich!1!!!!!111!!!

She called her number: 9-1-1

"Yo Emma Emma Petrich peas"

Emma p cried and wiped away a fake tear "why hello Abby my best biffle how do you feel about PEOPLE DOING DRUGS?"

"Um however you feel about gun control!"

"Agreed my friend agreed" EP wiped sole more fake tears away.

"So anyway get me out of jail please,"

"Why yes" EP smirked "I no how to get you out!"

"Good" prodigy said sarcastically "because I don't now,"

"I will send my dear friend to get you out!!!!" EP screaked.

"Ah and by dear friend you mean any random person off the street so long as they're not me, Emma, or Tamara who you were never even friends with in the first place--right?"

"Ugh whatever," EP angrily smirked "I can't put my emotions on here Abby your always like this I don't even now anymore!!!"

"Whatever" Abby said and patiently waited at the prison bus stop for EP's friend to bail her out.

The bus driver looked at Abby "yoooo you have anyone to bail you out"

"They are coming" prodigy said confidently.

"Ah ok" the bus driver says and proceeded by ramming the bus into Maddie Ziegler.

Finally EP's friend showed up. It was...
Ross Lynch???

Yup yup, he landed splat on the concrete and died for the seventeenth time in his life, "owie"

"Are you EP's friend?"


"EP," Abby said "Palpatine...You-Know-Who...H2O2...the bigot...the fake Stan..."


"The one who runs like THIS!" Abby screamed at leech for his stupidity and imitated a casual EP run, "and talks like THIS: I am soooooo good at tennis ow my left toe hurts I can't play for square yeah I really like Harry Potter no he's the worst yes he's the best no he's not or is he?"

"Ah right" leech said "well I can't bail you out of jail because I flew here illegally without a flying permit so now I'm in jail toooooo!"

Abby wailed. This day just COULD NOT get any worse! Then suddenly she heard the sound of Star Wars music oh noi! Putting on her glasses she peered into the distance and oh noi you'll never guess who was coming to save her!



Abby screamed in joy and jumped into Kylo Ren's arms.

Then Kylo Ren stared Abby in the eye and dramatically saaaaiiid...

"To be continued"

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