The Woes of the Poor UPS Guy

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So as you may know, Maya is a slippery trickster and is NOT thankful for the wonderful life she has with the UPS guy. In fact this is like what, the THIRD time she's cheated on him? The first time she cheated on him with the ground, then it was Voldemort and NOW it's an actual person???? Wowow Maya welp, sorry Abby and Emma. Guess you gotta wait a little longer for your sequels becaaaauuusseee we have ANOTHER STORY HERE!

Once upon a CMS there was a four-square wannabee smart dude who doesn't deserve to be in QUEST. You all know his name so how about I just call him CPCG. You know, just in case he finds this and decides to hunt me down before I have the chance to put him in a giant blender and sell a CPCG smoothie to a nuclear waste company.

Anywaaaaay...this dude is very egotistical.

Like very T.T

He does a bunch of weird stuff and break dances and raps and like does weird funky dance moves just to make himself seem cooler than he actually is.







who thinks he's so Awesome but he's not 

Anyway, this dude asked the non-cliche Maya to the fancy All-Overalls dance. And well, a dance where you can wear only overalls and nothing else is pretty fancy so that means that yours truly will probably kill everything eat all the food and throw it in the blahs' hair and torment them all night and bother the caricaturist and assemble a HUGE reading list based off of Ms Celmer's recommendations. 

And ofc her wundrfl frendz would helppppp and be weird.

And Maya would go with the UPS guy and it would be all fine and dandy

But nooooppeee Maya saids "sure y not cpcg"

And the UPS guy was standing right next to her. And she totally ignored him even though he totally asked her first.

Wowowowowo Maya muy popularr.

Anyway, he was so distraught. How could Maya forget about him. He went straight home and didn't even tell Mr Villar that he was leaving. He rode his UPS truck so light speed so no time passed at all (what do you say to THAT, CPCG??? Did you know basic stuff noooooo you didn't because you jsut play the stock market game and pretend you know stuff and say complicated stuff so you sound smart) 

He collapsed on his bed and cried until tears flooded the house and poured out the window like a waterfall and he washed up on the front porch.

He opened his eyes and OMG! It was....not Ross Lynch sorry leech, but you'll get your 5 million fanfictions soon I PROMISSSEEEE DDD: 

It was Abby and Emma and Justine and Tamara omg! 

"wut" he say "wut u doin here? u kno where i live?" 

Then Justine reached into her pocket and whipped out her magical piece of technology as the ahhhhhhhhhh-super-holy-object sound effect  played for 5 hours.

"It's a...GPS DUN DUN DUUUUNNN" she say and smirk, "but anyway, we here to exterminate something that needs to be exterminated..."

"ME?!?!?!" the ups shriek and almost die.

"No...." emmalamadodo say, "CPCG!"

"O right," he say and cri some more. 

"NO NO CRI!!!!i" abby yella nd flail around "TAMIS HAS A PLANNNNN"

Ross Lynch Turned into a NOTHINGजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें