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Sorry I forget to include but the fans know about Dan and Leah and they are fine also their ship name is deah.

The photo above is what Leah wearing!

Leah's pov

I wake up by my boyfriend shouting at me "Lea wake up we're going to meet Cat in 20 minutes"Dan says while getting of me. Oh yeah I remembered we're going to meet Cat I'm scared what if she prettier than me and Dan will leave me for her. Oh no I can't think that I haven't even meat her ugh I hate being so jealous.

I get up and go take a long shower to relax for a bit. After the shower I go and get dressed white and blue flower crop top and a white tight skirt (photo above) Next I do my make up not to much as I look pretty good without make up. Hair, hair is the most hardest thing to do I have no idea. I just blow dried and let down naturally.

As I was done Dan shouted "Lea we going c'mon"he says. Why is he so angry. As we were walking to a cafe. We were just silence I couldn't take it any more "Dan are you okay you seem um well quiet down?" I ask "Yeah I'm fine I'm just happy to see Cat I haven't seen her in ages I miss her"he says not even looking at me.

oh that hurt I don't know why but when he said he missed her it just the feeling I'm losing him. He haven't even said I love you this morning or called me a nickname as he calls me when we wake up like 'babe' 'princes' 'bear' 'cuite' something wrong I wonder if it about Cat.

We just reached the cafe Dan opened the door "Dan Oh my god Dan" a girl shouted with short hair running to Dan. "Cat oh my godd"he said. Oh that was her Cat.

She ran up to him and jumped up to him and wrapped her legs around his torso and arms around his neck "Dan I miss you I haven't seen you in so long"she says while getting of him and kissing him on the cheek.

I was so jealous I'm not even can a lie. They acted like a couple that haven't seen in 100 years. "Dan who this" Cat says while pointing at me "Oh Cat this is Leah" Dan said "Oh okay well I'm Cat bad away"she says angrily and putting her hand around his waist.

"C'mon let sit down Phil is right there"she said pointing where Phil sat. That really hurt he haven't even introduced me as his girlfriend just Leah, Leah.

I followed them and sat near besides Phil as Cat rushed to sit down next to Dan. We all ordered what we wanted. They all chatted and I just looked at my alp the whole time.

Maybe I wasn't enough for Dan maybe he just used me. Maybe he haven't even loved me never I love him so much with all my heart and he just acts like I'm not his girlfriend it hurt to see Cat and Dan sitting next to each other and chatting and laughing. Whenever I looked at Dan Cat always put her head on his shoulders and I just had to look away not to cry.

I can't believe how stupid I was to think he loved me he just used me. I loved him like never before this was true love I never loved someone before like I did love Dan but it seems he didn't even loved me it hurt it really did.

Time skups-

It was already 8pm and I was getting ready to go to bed when Dan comes to me "Hey Leah I'm going to Cat's she invited me over to stay with her and some friends o don't wait for me I will be back tomorrow."he says not even looking at me and leaving shooting the door.

I crawled to bed and cried. The whole night I just cried I loved him and he didn't he never did he acted like he did.

The next day-

I wake up and roll to to other side accepting to see Dan sleeping but he wasn't. Then I remembered last night and how he acted. Today was the last day for vidcon and tomorrow we are heading back to London finally I don't have to see Cat anymore.

I get all ready and just sit on my bed and scowl threw tumblr. I had nothing to do anyway. I hear the door open I look up to see Dan coming in "Good morning Dan" I say "Hi" he says not even looking at me and plops on the bed and falls asleep. I sigh "I wish you could love me that way I do" I say quietly. As a tear rolls down my cheek. I start to cry but quietly.

I don't want to wake Dan up. Why can't he love me why? I cry and Fall sleep.

The next day-

I wake up by my alarm going of "ugh" I grunt. I stand up and see Dan still sleeping "Dan wake up we are leaving today"I say he wakes up and starts to get ready. When I finished packing Dan says "I'm going to say bye to Cat don't wait for me go with Phil I will catch up"he says and leaving.

I start to cry again. I can't do this anymore I can't I have to talk to him but when we back at London.
With my suitcase I walk out of the room and to to Phil's I knock on the door "Oh hey Lea what up?"he asks "It time to go to airport"I say "Oh yeah I forgot"he says laughing.

As we were walking Dan catches up with us "He sorry Phil i just said my goodbye to Caty"Dan says. What the fuck is Caty now he giving her nicknames not me I want to cry but I can't show them I'm sad "It okay Dan you only said your goodbye anyway let go or we will be late"Phil says "Yeah"I say and we begin to run.

Time skips-

We were at the plane I was in the middle of Dan and Phil. Dan didn't even talk to me so it was me and Phil who was chatting "Lea are okay you and Dan seem quiet apart lately"Phil says "No no everything is okay don't worry"I say trying to sound happy. "Okay"Phil says

Time skips-

We arrive at London and we just got into the flat "finally home"Dan says and going straight away to his bedroom well our bedroom.

I can't sleep in the same bed as him I will just sleep in the gaming room. I bet Dan doesn't even want me to near him so I wont.


Hey finally updated I know this chapter was soooo long but it had to be long anyway I hope you like it. Comment if you do and your opinion about it. We are getting really close to the end. Just to let you know I planned the end and I will be creating book 2 to this book and I think book 2 will be really good. Anyway these are my Social Media's

Instagram- bambixzoe

Twitter- phanfire1


Love you all!

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