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The next day-

Dan's pov

I wake up and I turn around to see Leah but when I turn around I don't see her strange I always wake up first. Maybe she just went to the bath today me and Phil have a radio show. I stand up and go get ready.

I walk to the lounge to see Leah sitting at the sofa watching friends. How cute she is just in a blanket and eating cereal. She turned around looked at me and then back to tv wonder what wrong with her maybe the time of the month so I won't be a bother but I'm planning to surprise her by having an take away cuddling with her. I know I been avoiding her but I just hanged out with Cat what wrong with that.

Time skips-

It was time for me and Phil to leave for a radio show I couldn't even say bye to Leah as she was having a nap. So I just left. I asked Phil to go to Pj for tonight so it would be me and Leah he said yes which is good.

Leah's pov

I heard the door close which meant Dan and Phil left finally. I wasn't actually sleeping I just pretend to not see Dan. I stand up and pack my suitcase yes I'm leaving I think this relationship isn't working I think he doesn't lo...ve me it really hard to say that because I love him so much but it not working I just have to leave.

I finish packing and brought my suitcase near the door. And went to the lounge I thought I could write him a letter explaining why I left and stuff.

As I was writing the letter I didn't even relies that I was crying. But I had to leave it was just not working. I left the letter on the table grabbed my phone and my suitcase I looked around the place as I never coming back hear again.

And left the place.

Dan's pov

We just finished the show. I have to say I missed Leah I don't even remember kissing her or hugging her. I brought take away and her fave cold tea. I walked in the flat.

"Hey babe I'm home"I shouted but got no replay. Maybe she still sleeping but it was 3 hours strange. I walked in the lounge and sow a letter that caught my eye. I walked closer to it and got it and it said

Dear Dan,

Hey I will just go straight in I think the relationship haven't been the best you ignored me and I think it not working I think we just not meant to be together so I don't think it working don't get me wrong I had some amazing time time with you I loved spending time with you but it just not working.

Remember I still love you and I will never forget you I hope you feel the same way about me to. So yeah I think that it please don't try to find me or contact me I'm gone far please find someone you love truly and don't ignore them and don't leave them to hang out with another woman I know how it hurts.

I wish you all the best and I hope you find a someone you love and have children together and tell them the story of us to them.

Love Leah xxx

No, no,no no this can't be happening I love you Leah no please. I cried and cried I will never forget about you Leah

I promise....


THE END!! What did you thought? Was it good? Comment down below! I really enjoyed writing this story so I hope you liked as well. Comment down below if you want a sequel to this!

I will be writing Conor Maynard Fan Fictions as I'm obsessed with him so yeah make sure to read that one as I'm making this today or tomorrow so yeah. My social Media's

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Love you all!

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