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I Wake up once again in Luke's room laying next to him. "Seriously?!?!?" I ask Luke cause this is the second time he kidnapped me. "Yup!! Like I said I want you to be mine!!!!" He replied. "Well Luke I know you are obsessed with me and it is getting annoying Luke I don't want to be with you anymore." I stared at him with a mad look as I said it. He laughed and just kept watching tv. I hear a loud scream and a "WHERE IS CAMERON AND TRYSTAN AND WHERE AM I!!!!?????????" It was Skyland I could tell by her scream. "So you kidnapped us all??? Really?????" I question Luke. "Yup!" He simply states and goes back to tv.
Dalton's POV
Again dude seriously how can this happen. "Let's go get them!!!" I say. Cole gets up and so does Cam and Trystan and Marcus. We walk out the door to rescue them. No one talks on the way we just go.
Luke's POV
I get up and say "the boys and I are going out don't leave we will find you!!!" I walk out the door with the boys and we go to a movie.
Dalton's POV
We get to the door to see the three girls laughing at the tv. We break in and grab them luckily the guys weren't home so we got them and left. Once we reached home Sarah's phone went off and when she answered she looked scared. I looked at her she was terrified it looked like a ghost went through her. "Are you ok??" I ask concerned. "Uuuuuhhhhh we need to leave Luke is coming to find us and he is going to kill me and you guys if we don't leave so let's go." She says almost in tears. I run to the phone and call 911 and tell the officer everything they tell me to stay and wait for Luke cause they will catch him. We sit there and wait until we hear a loud KNOCK KNOCK KNOCK Sarah looks horrified and the door flies open to reveal Luke Hemmings. He is holding a gun right at Sarah when the police officer comes from behind and arrests him.
Cameron's POV
I walk over to Skyland and say "hey Skyland I have liked you since I walked in the door!!!! Will you go out with me!?!?!?!?!?" She smiled and said "of coarse Cam I will go out with you!!!" She says it right as Trystan walks in the door. He looks sad and walks out.

Kidnapped By The Texas CrewWhere stories live. Discover now