Chapter Thirteen - Slughorn's Dinner

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When we enter, we're greeted by the sound of clinking glasses and polite laughter as those chosen for the meal converse quietly with each other. As it turns out, the Slytherins are the last to arrive, but neither Blaise, Sophia or Perseus seem to notice everybody's eyes turn to us as we enter.

I shrink behind Perseus' huge frame, hoping that he hides me and takes away some of the attention. No such luck, Professor Slughorn appears almost instantly and shouts my name for everybody to hear, making sure that it's impossible for me to be ignored. "Miss Weasley! So glad that you could make it! Would you like a drink?" Slughorn waves his hand towards the glum looking first year dressed in a pressed white uniform, holding a tray of assorted non-alcoholic cocktails. I smile gratefully at the first year as I take a pale pink drink that seems to give off an orange light. What it is, I have no idea, but I sip at it gratefully. As expected from drinks that a potions master probably concocted himself, it's delicious.

"Now that we're nearly all here, we might as well take a seat!" Slughorn flourished his hand and a dark green curtain lifted, revealing a beautifully seat out dinner table. The glasses were made of crystal, and china plates with the Hogwarts crest in the centre had been carefully placed in front of each majestic wooden seat. The seats are carved from what looks like mahogany, matching to the table, and I wouldn't have been surprised if it was the round table that Arthur and his Knights sat at a thousand years ago. Tiny name tags with each of our names inscribed in golden ink had been placed at each setting, and to my relief I found that I was next to Harry and opposite where Slughorn would sit, the perfect position that we'd been bargaining for.

Harry pulls out my chair for me as I arrive at the space and so I smile gratefully, sipping once more at my drink. Tonight, Harry is wearing a smart shirt and his best jeans, with a brown suede jacket on top. Hermione, who sits on Harry's other side, is dressed in a neat skirt and a fluffy white jumper, her bronze curls resting softly on her shoulders. She looks pretty.

Ginny isn't here, an empty seat had been left for her as everybody else takes their various seats. Suddenly, waiters that must have been hired in for the evening appear, all wearing crisp white uniforms and carrying silver trays. They circle the table and strategically place one of each of the dishes in front of each person at the table with a flourish and polite nod. The starter is some sort of soup accompanied with variations of warm breads and crackers. I overhear one of the waiters telling a girl who asked that it's pumpkin soup combined with various spices and herbs. My stomach rumbles, and once everybody has their plate, we start to eat.

That's when Slughorn's questions begin.

"So, Miss Weasley," he starts, drawing everyone's attention to me. I gulp on my soup, and then force a smile. "Yes sir?"

Slughorn nibbles on his bread before continuing, "your father works at the Ministry of Magic, am I correct?"

I nod my head softly, acting as if this was the first time he'd asked me this question, even though he asked it all the way back in September when we met on the train. "Yes professor, he's the Head of the Office of the Detection and Confiscation of Counterfeit Defensive Spells and Protective Objects." Slughorn nods encouragingly, "and what exactly does he do in the office?"

"He works to confiscate fake protective objects and spells that have been sold for profit by con-men, and prevent harm to the unaware wizards and witches that have purchased them." Slughorn watches me interestingly, but around the table people are sighing boredly. I blush "it's not the most interesting of jobs at the Ministry..."

"Nonsense!" Slughorn exclaims suddenly, shaking everybody awake and to their senses. "Every job at the Ministry is important and interesting - it all contributes to keeping our world safe and defended from the dark forces within it."

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