soufflé and sleep

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It was Wednesday and Clara was just done showering. Her thoughts turned to the doctor. her doctor. She was reading the book her mother gave her when she was still a kid waiting for the doctor as they agreed that they would travel every Wednesday together well for him it was probably only a few minutes. She sank back into her book.

The doctor was spinninūg on his heals as he run around the council going to clara. My impossible girl he thought and pulled a lever. He actually waited a week as always wanting it to be fair as she had to wait for him that long too. The doctor always came every Wednesday as the had agreed to. He never was late or let her wait months before he showed up unlike anyone else he traveled with. He didn't understand why but he didn't really think it over. The Tardis materialized by the house and he ran out of the Tardis expecting to see Clara but there was no one outside. He rubbed the back of his head and walked to the house knocking on the door like he does .'just keep knocking until she opened the door just like when we met' he thought to himself only there was no movement to be seen or heard.

He signed and sonic the door and walked in he rushed into every single room only to find a little woman asleep with a book on her chest. The doctor smiled at her " ohw you are asleep my clara" he said quietly that none could hear him. He walked to her and gently took the book form her and laid it down on the table next to the couch where she slept. He took a blanket and tucked her gently in putting a pillow under her head. He put a vase of water with a class on the table for her and some cookies in a bowl. He looked at her and thought to himself ' she looks so cute when she sleeps. No you shouldn't think like that doctor she's human and you are a time lord. Well yeah the only one, I could change her into a time lady only it will be painful and I can't let her suffer anymore than she already did. Isn't that for her to choose. Yes but she doesn't love me anyways ' he though arguing with himself and sat down on the chair looking at Clara.

Several hours passed before Clara woke up she looked around seeing the doctor in a chair his eyes closed. He seemed asleep. She looked around and saw the vase with water and cookies on the table smirking at him ' silly doctor you shouldn't have done that' she thought to herself only to hear a child's voice saying " Clara we're home....." Angie said. Clara was her and her brother's Artie nanny. Angie looked at the sleeping doctor and frowned slightly before a smirked crept on her face " Clara has a boyfriend" she said running downstairs to her brother. Clara signed and looked at the doctor who just woke up " doctor why didn't you wake me up now I have to hear this till the end of time " Clara said half joking and sat beside the doctor who said " because.... You....i uhm just because " he said but Clara had fallen back asleep again her head felt on his chest. The doctor blushed and didn't know what to do

When Clara woke up she saw a sleeping doctor. She turned red when she noticed that she felt asleep with her head on his chest but then felt his hand protectively on her shoulder. She saw a flits from Angie's phone as she made a picture from to two. Clara wanted to shout and take her phone but she didn't want to wake the sleeping doctor as she knew he didn't sleep much. She just remained with her head on her shoulder. Her eyes were on him ' he looks adorable when he sleeps' she thought to herself and signed as she knew that the doctor could never love her as she loved him. Eventually the doctor woke up and looked down at Clara. sleepy he said " Clara. Clara!! You're awake" he said excited and hugged her. Clara smiled and hugged him back looking at the time " ohw no I'm supposed to cook dinner doctor. " she said getting up although she wanted to remain in that position. The doctor stood up and smiled slightly at her " I'll help if we go on an adventure after " he said and walked with Clara to the kitchen after she nodded

The first thing the doctor asked when they got in the kitchen was " where are the fish fingers and custard?" Clara started laughing and looked at his face. He frowned as he didn't get what was so funny. " doctor not everyone thinks fish fingers and custard is delicious" she said and took the ingredients to make soufflé. " if your soufflé's are any better " he said childish and poked her nose making Clara groan lightly " hey I make the best soufflés in the universe" she said and started making her mother's famous soufflés. The doctor was helping as far as Clara let him what wasn't much. Mrs. Mainland came home after work seeing the doctor and Clara in the kitchen. Angie showed her mother the picture of Clara and the doctor asleep on the chair together. When dinner was ready the doctor rubbed the back of his head " Clara can I ...." he said quietly. Clara glared at him bursting into a laughter " no you're eating with me no fish fingers and custard until I say it" Clara said and kissed the doctor's cheek what made him blush and made a silly face about not able to eat fish fingers and custard.

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