dinner and snow?

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Clara and the doctor put everything on the table. The soufflé wasn't burnt or anything this time like usual. This would also be the first time since the ponds that the doctor stayed for dinner and it wasn't even Christmas. They put a chair next to where Clara usually sit for the eleventh. Everyone was sitting down except the doctor who was still in the kitchen Clara went to the doctor and wrapped her arm around him from behind. The doctor looked down at her and smiled slightly " I'm sorry it's been a while since I dinned with anyone's family. " he said quietly and hugged her back. A small smile appeared on the impossible girl's face " come doctor I sit next to you " she said softly and held his hand in hers. The doctor smiled and walked with her to the dining table where everyone was already eating. the two caught quickly up and had eaten quite enough. Clara and the doctor were laying on the couch after dinner just going over old memories.

Suddenly Clara felt her cheeks becoming red as she noticed she had moved from the opposite side to almost on his lap she stood up and grabbed the doctor by his bowtie " adventure ?" she asked softly and saw the doctor jump up standing inches away from her. " yes what do you think about snowball fight on an ice planet ?" he asked and smiled at her. Clara grabbed his hand " lovely let me get my stuff " she said and went to her room. He smiled at her and sat down on the chair seeing Mrs. Mainland standing in the door opening " be careful with her doctor she's one of a kind and I don't want her to be hurt " she said the eleventh jumped up " I'll never hurt Clara I couldn't bring that over my hearts" he said and heard footsteps going down seeing an excited Clara with a back in her hand " come doctor let's go ice-skating" she said and ran off to the Tardis with the doctor following her. He opened the door and they went inside.

Clara smiled at the childish grown time lord as he ran around the council starting to materialized the Tardis smiling at her " Geronimo" he said as she stood besides him smiling. They went through time and space and landed on a ice planet. The doctor smiled at Clara and they both went to change into something warmer before getting out of the Tardis Clara immediately took some snow and threw it at the doctor. " oi you wanted to start a snow war" he said smirking and threw some snow at her. She laughed and both ducked themselves a bite in so the other couldn't hit one another but Clara wasn't behind her shelter but was crawling with a long bow around his little fort making Clara frown ' ohw doctor you're such a child" she thought and crawled further she smirked and jumped on his back making him yelp. He felt with his face in the snow and Clara laughed loudly falling on the ground. The doctor took his arms full of snow and threw it on Clara. She climbed out of the now and looked at him .both started laughing. " I'll skip ice-skating let's get inside" Clara said and the doctor agreed. They got inside and closed the doors behind them. They went to the kitchen and made hot chocolate for Clara and himself. " doctor can't you show me around " she asked as she drank from the cup both having a blanket around them " why not " he said and took her hand in his and walked to the pool first

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