a long awaited kiss

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" doctor?......" "Clara?......" their lips only inches away from each other both had their eyes shut moving closer to each other. The eleventh and Clara both ready to give in to it. Before their lips touch the Tardis moved no it didn't materialize the snow had pushed the Tardis of the cliff she stood on. The eleventh wrapped his arms protectively around his impossible girl as they felt what happened. The doctor landed on the ground with Clara on top of him. Clara bites her lip and looked at him checking for any wounds. " that moment is ruined " she mumbled in herself and cupped the doctor's cheek. She wanted to kiss him so badly but it seemed wrong to do so after what happened.

The eleventh looked at Clara and hugged her tightly " thank god you're alright" he exclaimed and kissed her forehead making her blush. She got of him and pulled him up on his feet " doctor can we get back before this all happened " she asked curiously and took his hand in hers before she was pulled into a kiss with the doctor. She couldn't resist kissing back and wrapped her arms around her neck as he pulled her up walking to the bed laying down putting her besides him but before he could do anything, Clara had climbed onto his lap. Both pulled away after a few minutes to catch their breath. They grins at each other and Clara laid her head on his shoulder. She finally kissed her doctor who everyone who knew both called him her boyfriend from Clara's side of friends and family.

The eleventh caress her cheek gently holding her close to him he couldn.t stop smiling at the perfect girl. He loved her and he knew she liked him yet he hoped more. He just held her close to him and kissed her forehead every five minutes. Clara smiled at him and caress his cheek before kissing him on the lips again closing her eyes. Yes she knew he was half undressed as was she yes she knew they were on his bed did she mind not really. The eleventh kissed her back and gently pulled her on top of him closing his eyes not acting awkward when they kissed. She smiled slightly and pulled away. " doctor? " she asked quietly and looked into his eyes. He looked back into her eyes and wrapped his arms around her waist. " yes Clara only if you want too" he whispered. She replied with locking their lips trailing her fingers over his chest, the doctor just held her close to him. They pulled away from the long desired kiss. Both stared at each other's eyes. " doctor when we were in the Tardis when she got hit by something and we were running and I knew your name. can I whisper it in your ear? Can I say your name only for your to hear so none can speak it but me " she whispered in his ear. He looked at her and hugged her holding her close to him. " my Clara only on the end of time when we lay besides each other can you say my name. promise me you won't say it until that day" he whispered quietly and laid her down on her back. " I'll promise clever boy only I'm human doctor I won't live as long as you" she whispered softly and pulled the doctor on top of her. " you don't have too" he whispered quietly and took of her shirt and kissed her forehead. She frowned and wrapped her arms around his neck " what do you mean doctor " she whispered as she unbuttoned his pants. " I could change you into a time lady my Clara only it would hurt" he whispered and kissed her neck. " doctor I want to be with you but for now let me be human" she whispered and kissed his chest leaving marks. He nodded as a moan slipped out of his mouth. Clara smirked at him and kissed his lips taking of his boxers as he unhooked her bra and pulled down her panties both laying exposed in each other's arms.

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