doctor? clara?

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 Clara was the first one to wake up although she couldn't open her eyes. She felt an arm around her holding her protectively close to someone. ' who is holding me where am i. the sense is familiar so not human. Did I really said that just open your eyes and find out' she was thinking in herself and so she did opening her eyes looking at the doctor. She turned red before the memories returned and she was a bit more calm. She couldn't really believe she was sleeping next to the doctor. She snuggled closer to him and heard her phone taking it in her hand ' where are you Clara. We couldn't find you this morning' a text from Angie. Clara looked at the time and saw it was ten AM. She looked at the doctor and bites her lip. ' what the hell let's enjoy the time alone with the doctor for how long it last' she thought to herself and replied to Angie ' me and the doctor are stuck so we won't get home any time soon' she texted back and laid back down her head on the doctor's chest snuggling closer to him.

It took an hour or two for the doctor to wake up. He opened his eyes and looked at his impossible girl snuggling against him. A small smile and blush appeared on his face. He wrapped his arms around the soufflé girl and hugged her lightly. Clara just groaned and kept her head buried in his chest trying to hide her blush and awkwardness but the doctor wouldn't let her as he started tickling her. "" she cries as she couldn't contain herself from laughing. She punched him teasingly so he would stop looking at her doctor who cupped her cheek. As blush crept on her cheeks as she felt herself leaning in his touch something she never did. And yes the doctor noticed that too.

Clara buried her head into his chest again feeling so awkward but very comfortable in his arms. She didn't want to talk nor look at him. Yes she had fallen for him but she already did that when he showed up dressed as a monk. She loved the childishness of him and the chin yes the very large chin he could poke someone's eyes out with that thing. The bowtie well it wasn't cool obviously but it was just so him. His beautiful brown not ginger hair. She could go on for days like this if she wanted to. And now she was stuck with the doctor in his bedroom and they were cuddling with each other she thought she was going to explode.

The doctor looked at his Clara. His impossible girl whom he was falling for so hard. He held her close to him and kissed her forehead. He wished he could steal more kisses from her but was that possible. He was in love with this girl who kissed him in the nineteenth century ohw yeah he was in love with her for quite a while and now he had her here in his bedroom cuddling and being all cute couple stuff and he loved doing it.

He noticed Clara was looking into his eyes and he was looking into hers. Her beautiful lips parted and a word came out " doctor?....." she said softly bites her lip seeing his smooth lips part to say something " clara?......" he said both leaned in and. 

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