the doctor's room

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Clara and the doctor walked through a part of the Tardis as it was too big to show everything to her. The doctor showed Clara the important spots well to him then he didn't want to show her the library but the Tardis made him as by every door the doctor opened the library appeared after he showed her several other rooms. Clara just was amazed my everything the doctor showed her. She noticed a room with the half open she looked at him " doctor what's in that room" she asked walking towards it. He looked at the room and walked after her to stop her but she was already in the room before he could " my bedroom" he said and bites his lip. " I didn't know you slept" she said and poked his side looking around seeing all kinds of stuff she had never seen before. She saw a portrait of what looked like her only with clothes from the nineteenth century. " doctor who's this " she asked and looked at him. " uhm owh you" he said and looked down at the ground. Clara smiled at him and hugged him " it's a beautiful portrait but I can't remember ever wearing such clothing" she said and looked at him and stood on her toes and kissed his forehead.

Clara looked around the room more leaving the doctor standing with a red face. Suddenly the Tardis groaned and a loud noise like a gun firing was heard every single door shut down and the Tardis put every light out except the one in the room Clara and the eleventh were in. the doctor ran to the door and tried to open it yet he couldn't. " what's wrong doctor" she asked standing behind him. He turned around and signed. " I don't know the Tardis shut down or something we're locked in my room until the Tardis fixed herself." He said and saw her face change from curious to shocked. He hugged her lightly and laid his head on her shoulder. " I'm sorry Clara this was meant to be fun not being locked in the tardis" " that's alright doctor at least we're not separated from each other I would go insane I think" Clara said softly and sat down on the bed.

The eleventh looked at her and smiled slightly. She always knew how to cheer him up. He sat down next to her and took her hand in his. " so what now. I mean there's not a lot of things to do in your room" she said softly looking at him. There were many things in his room but nothing that could be used for fun and Clara knew the doctor couldn't sit still for an hour. The time lord signed quietly and laid his head on her shoulder and closed his eyes " I don't know, maybe we could just sleep for now and see if anything has changed and we'll figure something out together " he said softly and she nodded slightly and stood up taking of her shoes and jacket before looking into his eyes. " can I borrow something to sleep in doctor?" she asked softly. He nodded and opened a door pulling out a shirt similar to the one he was wearing now. " so you do change clothes " she said teasingly and took the shirt smiling. She got into the bathroom and changed into the shirt. It was way to big for her. She walked out of the bathroom and looked at the doctor who had taking of his shirt jacket and shoes laying on the bed. She blushed and walked to the other side of the bed laying down. She knew the doctor never really cared about wearing any clothes but she did but she really didn't mind him half undressed. She noticed she was staring at the doctor and a blush crept onto her cheek laying down. Unconsciously moving closer to him he did the same and pulled the covers over both of them. Clara laid her head on his chest as his arms were around her both drifting of asleep holding each other

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