Fifth Chapter of the Past

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I feel like blacking out.

Something like this was never supposed to happen. And now I can barely stand up right. It all fell apart in a matter of moments, just enough for a new character to shine through the personality of someone destined to betray everyone- even themselves. But forgiveness is the least of my worries right now. I have to see what damage was done.

With all of my might, I use my last bit of shaken energy to cross into my parents room and flip the switch on the wall. As soon as the lights flicker on, I face a horrendous scene almost meant to be like a painting on a canvas. Yet it's lined with stench and sin.

I stand over the bodies of the people I love. It's sickening.

Regrets forming in my mind.

I can't stop time. I can't stop time.

This... is terrible.

What do I do now? This isn't my fault. It can't be my fault. I would never do anything like this. None of this is an effect of what I did, is it? I don't want to take the blame.

This isn't right.

It's all because of the bullies- the tormentors. They set up my life for failure... My brother's too. If I could just find them and ask them to take it all back... Even that would be enough. I just want to know that none of this was supposed to happen. I don't want this to be for real.

But it is.

And I have to get out of this house.

I run away like a scared little sheep. It's all I can do. I can't stand this place anymore. It's lit with flames and agony. It reminds me of the good times I shared with my brother burning and disappearing at the stake. Everything I've built in my life is falling off a cliff- right out the window. It's all trash now. The moon is brighter than my soul at this point because of all the corruption in my head and stupid things I've seen about the past that never should have happened.

I sprint to the hill facing my home- my memories- and collapse to the ground. I stand like a dog and cry.

This is the end of the road.

I hear the popping of wood and the sizzle of vanishing photos as the frames of the building across the street give way and the entire structure crumbles. Smoke scatters beneath me and I turn to face the residue of all the torture involved with my upbringing. I can't accept that my life is literally being ripped apart. I scream into the night sky as I stare at the wisps of the fire overcoming what's left of my family. I yell in denial and cover my mouth, eyes like the brimming tides of sanity. The dampness of the grass under my legs is scorched by the heat lingering over the meadow, and I realize that there's nothing I can do to control this. I'm sucked away by the ground as my mind slips into a neutral state.

If only I could fall asleep and then wake up to find that all of this was a dream.

But I'm not as lucky as others.

Vile Shade [Book 3] [Jeff the Killer x Reader] [JTK]Where stories live. Discover now