Fourth Chapter of the Past

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There was some sort of party at the house across the street. My mother thought it would be a good idea to go even though our family had just been brought back together. I wanted quality time to catch up with my brother, but all I got was the end of a line.

The party went from good to disastrous in a matter of moments.

The same people that drove my family apart decided to go as well, of course. And that was what provoked the vibes of sin and caused the devil to take over the pot of the grave. He tore everything to pieces. It's like there's nothing left.

And now I'm standing in a white void, staring into the distance of pure brightness and nothingness that exists for a million miles. I think I was left to divulge into the forbidden thoughts of my own mind and work out a temporary solution to this everlasting problem.

Do you know what it's like to have your dreams crushed after you've had so much confidence in them for so long? After you put your entire work and soul into those dreams? It's like that... Losing family. It makes you wonder why people in this world are just so terrible. Why is it all corrupt? Can anyone explain why nothing can work out for anyone who doesn't have "connections"? Politics are driving the madness of the universe, and now they've influenced the public to destroy itself. Just like it destroyed me.

I'm honestly sick of trying to forget all these bad things that have been happening to me and my brother. Speaking of him, I can remember a few words he said to me today.

He said, "I promise that I'll never change. I'll be the same guy you grew up with forever. Here with you. Because that's who I am."

I wish it could be that way; I truly do. But when everything is out to get you, it's hard to not lose hope or faith or whatever you want to call it. All I know is that it doesn't exist. It's like nothing exists. And then that scene in the hospital. God, I want to get rid of that memory more than anything else. If you could've seen the expressions on my family's faces... They looked horrified- disgusted. I swear it tore us apart the most. I just hated it.

And I'm passed out from this indignant act of mercy that was placed upon my soul. A psychotic rage- hidden rage- was what swarmed my world into darkness and shoved me into the light. If I don't keep walking on this plank of golden string, the red and all the hands of the demons behind me will catch up, grab my feet, and pull me off of the bridge that's so desperately trying to connect my heart to the truth of the matter.

I have to wake up now...

As his words say, "I'll protect you."

But now the room is empty and everything I've ever known is placed in shards of broken glass and haunted feelings. My legs are too numb to carry my own burden weight, but I make myself intoxicated enough to stimulate the soles of my feet, and I hoist myself off the floor.

If I check on the rest of my family- if I see how much of it has been destroyed- will I crumble again? Do you think that the sight I already know I'm going to see is enough to steal the last bit of sanity from my body and crush it before my eyes?

I think so too.

But a joker's game always bites him in the butt. And wild-cards aren't meant to sit at the bottom of the deck.

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