Chapter 1 - 2016

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I rolled over in my nice warm and comfy bed and with a groan turned my alarm off

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I rolled over in my nice warm and comfy bed and with a groan turned my alarm off. I grabbed my phone at once like I do every morning. I was just about to open up one of my many social media apps for a scroll through when I realise what the time is.

"SHIT!" I ran into the bathroom to have a quick shower and get dressed. I threw on my favourite pair of skinny jeans and my turtle tee. 'Thank god I packed last night.'

I grabbed my bags and ran out to my car. After I finished high school a few years ago I was accepted into a university course on the other side of the state. I have now graduated and I am currently on my way back home. Well back to my hometown, I loved living on my own so I got myself an apartment.

Just as I got into the car my phone rings, before I answer I connect it to my hands free so I can get started on my six-hour drive.

"Annalise, please tell us you didn't wake up on your last alarm again? Oh by the way I have you on speaker" I hear Breanna's voice and then everyone else's greetings.

"Chill guys, I'm on the road now" I say. I'm not lying; I literally just pulled onto the freeway.

"Okay, how long ago did you get on the freeway?" I hear Zara ask. Damn she knows me too well.

"Now?" I say as a question knowing what is to follow.

"Come on guys we knew this would happen. So don't get too mad because we should have seen it coming" Nate said. Okay not the reaction I was expecting.

"Can I hang up now? The longer you have me on here the less I can concentrate and the longer I take" I plead into the phone.

"Fine!" they all said.

"But hurry your ass up we miss you" Issac said.

"Yeah before the girls make us go shopping again!" Carter complained.

We said our goodbyes and I hung up the phone with a sigh.

I have been away from my best friends for two years now and I can't wait to see them all again. Breanna, Zara, Issac, Carter and Nate. We have all been together since the first year of high school and they were all shattered when I told them I was leaving for Uni, but now I can go home and see them, I just hope not much has changed.


Driving by yourself for six-hours is probably the worst thing you can do. I had to make multiple stops to make sure I wasn't getting to drowsy behind the wheel. I made it though. With the late start and the stops along the way I was an hour later than I was planning on getting home but I made it. For my first night back mum convinced me to stay home and tomorrow move into my apartment.

I pulled into my parent's driveway and got out the car. I was about to knock on the door when it flew open and I was tackled into a hug from my parents. They must have heard me pull up the drive.

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