Chapter 10

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"So what you're saying is that you never cared about our friendship? I was only someone for you to call when you needed something?" I asked in disbelief.

When we left Nanna's it was around lunchtime so Nate suggested we get some fish and chips and sit on the beach to think of places that the last clue would lead us. However the conversation soon turned to our friendships or lack there of.

"No what we are saying is that the moment you got back you have been different. We hardly see you and you don't talk to us about your life at uni." Bre exclaimed.

I just stared at her. The boys were awfully quiet which made me think that it was mainly the girls that were mad I stopped helping them so much.

"Everyone changes Bre. And I don't talk about uni much because nothing much happened. I studied business management, between completing my assignments and doing my placement there wasn't much time for anything else. I didn't even make friends."

"If you didn't have time to make friends why did you have time for a boyfriend?" Zara asked.

"Z calm down. Maybe Anna is right?" Issac said.

"Ever since she came back we have been asking her to do a lot for us. I mean I know it takes time to open a business and it's only been two months." Carter turned to me directing what he said next at me. "Have you even gotten anywhere near close to opening the café?"

I just shook my head. With helping them all there wasn't much time to look into opening the café, and in the week of them all not talking to me I was too worried about them not talking to me to concentrate on anything else.

"You don't think we all haven't changed while she was away?" Nate suddenly speaks up. "Bre you basically stopped being a tomboy, and Zara you actually get up on stage and sing now. Carter isn't as goofy and is actually studying something which we all didn't think he would do, and Issac has stopped getting in trouble all the time now."

Everyone stopped eating and looked at Nate. From what Carter and Issac had already said I think they were already regretting getting mad at me. Which I expected them to swallow their pride first.

That's just how guys work. They can be mad at each other one minute and throwing fists, the next they are all buddy buddy again.

"Can we just find where this last clue leads us? That way we can go our separate ways if that is what you all want." I proposed.

Everyone had grim looks on their faces but nodded anyway.

We spent the next hour or so brainstorming. We already knew that the part of the clue that says "Light and Salty" meant the beach, but we needed to think of places that were "Dark and Gloomy".

We came up with the woods at the edge of the beach at night, the cove, the small waterfall that leads to the beach and a few others.

"Dark and Gloomy
Light and Salty
Two together aren't that scary"

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