Chapter 5

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The Next few days everyone was busy with work and family commitments and the odd uni class

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The Next few days everyone was busy with work and family commitments and the odd uni class. Some of the courses they got into weren't two years like mine, but four years long.

With everyone so busy it left me alone with my thoughts, which even at the best of times could be a bad idea. I over think everything.

I couldn't even distract myself with unpacking or housework. I did all that after I came home from Nanna's when we found the first clue.

Usually I can numb my brain by having a Gilmore Girls marathon but even that wasn't working. What Nana said to me as I was leaving is really getting to me.

I had my laptop out on the coffee table and decided to start researching and planning on opening my small business.

I had Facebook open and seen that the girls had messaged me wanting to come over, since they had finished classes for the day. I messaged back saying that I will put the kettle on.

I sat there researching for another good fifteen minutes before I got up, placing my laptop back on the coffee table, to make the cuppas. That's when I heard the knock.

"It's open." I shouted.

"Hey hun," Zara says walking in with Breanna right behind her. "I see you've started planning." Nodding to my open laptop. "What is it you want to open again?"

"A Book Café. You know a book store and café all in one." I state cheerfully.

"I know I'm studying fashion but I bags doing the interior design." Breanna exclaims.

"You already have ideas and visions don't you?" I ask. I was already going to ask her to design it anyway. She may want to do fashion but the girl is good at any design concept. She loved art in school so it was a given she was going down a creative path.

We all sat down in the lounge room with our cuppas busily discussing and brainstorming the who, what, when, where and how I am going to get this idea off the ground.

It started getting late so I suggested we order something to be delivered for dinner. The girls jumped at the chance. We haven't had a girls night since I got back. Even if it we were discussing my business it is still just us girls.

After we ate dinner we were in agreement that I have enough information and knowledge from my course to get started in finding a location for the business the next day. Having a degree in business management really helped with knowing what information I needed to get.

That's when I noticed the girls looking like they are trying to decide who is going to play good cop and bad cop.

'Yep here is the interrogation I've been dreading since the look out' I thought.

"Okay will you two stop looking like that and just say what you wanna say?"

"You guys look adorable together, why can't you realise Nate and you are perfect for each other?" Breanna blurts out.

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